One Day...

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There is a quote
"One day or day one"
I don't kow who it's from, I only know it from TikTok but it still got me thinking
One day, on a random wednesday, he will write me a message
One day we will start talking
One day he will take me out on a date
One day we will kiss

But I keep telling myself, not to get my hopes to high
I keep telling myself, that, one day, I will get over him
But then he looks at me like that again
And I catch him lookig and smiling at me again
And he sits down next to me
And he switches positions with his friends so that he stands next to me
And when he stands next to me, our friend looks at us like she knows something that I don't

Her look has me wondering
Am I that obvious?
Did he tell her something about me?
Did none of these things happen and she just knows?
Did I imagine the look because I just want her to look at us like we belong together?

And even though I know that I shouldn't, I keep hoping that instead of "one day", there will be a "day one" someday
Someday there will be day one, when he writes me a message on a random wednesday
And after that there will be day three when we actually start talking
On day twelve he will take me out on a date
And on day 13 we will kiss

I know that all these things won't happen
I know that I'm not your type
I know that you're not interested
So maybe...
One day I will meet someone new
One day they will take me out on a date
One day I will fall for someone else
One day I will build up my live with someone else
One day I will be over you

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