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*Trigger Warning: Explicit Language used*


Sometimes I sat and wondered about the world I thought I would die in.

Of Falor, of the forest and Ivan. That was the world I knew, the world I was used to. An orphan girl with no love in her heart. Just existing in strife. I believed that to be my fate, until I was thrown into this one. Palin was unimaginable, and I had only seen a tiny portion of it. The academy was wild and translucent. The students were scarier than my nightmares. Children with power. I was taught to never unveil such power. It could be dangerous, deadly.

The one child who should never possess such power was standing in front of the mansion with a crowd, awaiting my demise.

"Sith! Get inside!" Nikos growls a warning.

I open my mouth to bark back at him but my words get lodged in my throat when I find him shirtless and wearing sweat pants. He hastily throws a shirt over his shoulders, followed by Sky and Maddox who eye me warily. Kessa stands in the corner, her eyes wide having caught me staring.

I clear my throat. "Why is she here?"

"She's Emris," Kessa growls behind me. It had been a few days since the attack and Kessa was well enough to now be up and about. "She does what she wants."

"No, she doesn't." Nikos snaps, swinging the door open and charging outside with Sky and Maddox following.

"Should we get Adrian?" I ask, looking down at Pyro who was curled up on a cushion in front of the roaring fire.

It was early afternoon and I couldn't think of any other reason to Emris' presence other than to see Pyro herself. The only thing I couldn't stand was the group of students she had bought with her. They were all holding some type of metal that took shape in the form of a miniature square.

"Nikos will handle her." Kessa steps forward to look out the window with me.

"What are they holding?" I frown.

"Pods. Their a type of technology that does everything. You can message me through it and I could be miles away! It also takes photos. Like captures the moment and stores it in memory? They're incredibly expensive. But every student at this school is talented and comes from a wealthy family. They can afford it." She rolls her eyes.

"You all need to leave."

My attention snags to Nikos who was stood before Emris, his eyes dark as he stares down at her. Her two minions weren't with her today but the crowd of students behind her was clearly her audience.

"This is free land," Emris smirks, her red painted lips peeling back to reveal fangs. "Besides, we all want to meet the Light Obscurian."

"You've already met her, Emris." Sky sighs, clearly bored with her behaviour. Her eyes flash black at his lack of interest her way.

"Why is she so obsessed with Sky?" I scoff.

Kessa snorts, "I suppose you haven't really met the girls at this school. Their all obsessed with him."

"Not Sith Cylon. Her Dragon?" She scoffs, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder.

"You know the rules," Nikos growls.

She smirks. "I don't actually. Remind me?" She steps forward to meet him, her body was so close to him now that her breasts were almost skimming his arms. There was something else hidden behind her words, something Nikos noted.

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