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*Trigger Warning: Explicit Language used*


The Surge hit me that night.

I didn't know what was happening until I felt the glow of Pyro's light blinding me to consciousness. People had started shouting and I was ripped from my bed before I could even fathom a thought.

"Shit. She's burning up!" I recognised that voice.

Sky. He was holding me. Carrying me. The world felt like it was burning. It made sense that Sky was carrying me through it. He could withstand anything.

"Stay with us Sith!" Another voice. A desperate one. Kessa maybe?

Where was Pyro?

I couldn't feel him. But I could feel everything else.

"Maddox! Fly ahead, get Mei and Adrian! Kessa—"

"I'm already going!"

I feel weightless as I am hoisted high into the air, the pounding wind should have been a relief but it only felt worse.

"Look after her! I'll stay with Pyro!" Nikos.


Maybe we wouldn't have that date after all.

I scream again, something dark flashes across the sky above me. Something wicked was awakening. It was washing all over me.

"Go now Sky!"

The next thing I feel is the touch of hands, healing hands. I knew I was safe but not for long. For now, the pain and fear is all that remained.

"We can't keep her here!"

"Here is the best place for her."

"She could collapse the entire school!"

"We have no choice Freida!"

Pools of light steal my vision, they press against my temple but something liquifying was erupting in my blood, I felt it crawl deep within me, spreading like a wildfire. Never quite seizing, reminding me that what I believed I could withstand was far from wrong.

Sweat and tears was all I could smell, taste. It was gushing from me, my whole body was in agony. I'd never felt pain like this, and I had experienced a lot.

"It's not working!"

"We have to cool her body temperature somehow... if we don't she'll burn from the inside out!"

"The cool repressants worked with Sky!"

"She is not a Byron Rider, fire comes first, then it'll be ice. Afterwards, we must pray to the Goddess that her power will nestle safely within her."

Mei hadn't told me much about my Surge before I came to be here, but I started to hear them. I held on to such knowledge as another wave of heat, hotter than the last, renders me speechless. On the brink of blacking out, yet never quite reaching that point.

"We have to do something!"

"Kessa! Get back!"

Through the haze, I could see Sky grab Kessa's arm and pull her far away from me. The heat was radiating off of my body in waves, and Sky was the only one to resist it. Freida and Nadine hiss in pain to the left of me, the blurring heat was near translucent but I could see it, feel it hover over me.

I start to recite the facts over and over again inside my head. Anything to keep the blinding pain away.

A Light Obscurian's Surge is a mix of energy that began with their creation. The Goddess saw fit to overlay remnants of legacies that only an Obscurian could withstand. The Surge is not just one pain after the other, it is an assortment of terrors that such power holds. That is why an Obscurian Riders Surge is much more extreme. The level of power they must inhale is unmatched to any other living creature to walk this plane. The Obscurian Dragon and Rider are the closest beings we have to match the Goddess.

Talon's of Life and DeathOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz