Chapter 1

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"Look Blair, it's your boyfriend." I screamed in hysterics. Where as my laughter was loud and animalistic, Caleigh's was high pitched and girly. Blair stood next to us with her arms crossed and a not so amused expression crossed her face. We all sat on the pavement outside 'Barneys' sipping on double thick berry milkshakes and munching on a small portion of fries.

With our mouths busy slurping on the food, our eyes were trained on Henry McAlister. Although the boy was older than us, he was a lame loser with no suave whats so ever. It was no secret that Henry had been lusting after Blair since forever, and being her bestfriends, we took it into our hands to remind her.

"Gross!" Blair squealed as the lanky boy picked his nose, obviously oblivious to us watching him like a hawk. As Blair shivered, Caleigh and I broke out into another fit of laughter. We all watched in disgust as he pulled his skinny finger out of his nose, rolled a little ball and stuck the finger into his mouth.

This time Caleigh and I did not laugh, all three of us scrunched our noses and shuddered.

Caleigh stood up and screamed across the road "Hey Henry, care to share your snack?"

This once again sent us into another round of giggles and the delarious boy turned his red face away and raced of into the butcher that he stood outside off.

A gentle smile broke onto my face as I took a trip down memory lane. The good old days. The day's where I did'nt spend all my time passed out or drunk for fun, the days were my bestfriend's were not prom queen material and the day's when I did not know what my father really did for a living.

A Mafia Boss. What the hell is he thinking, the world is not grand theft auto and the people that walk on the streets are not usually hookers. The bastard that he is, he refused to take blame for his action's. He gently pushed it away saying "Everybody makes stupid decison's Faye."

Well trust me I know all about bad decisions. I made the worst one, four years ago. Bad Girls. What the hell was I thinking? Not only had my suggestion left me beat red and embarresed, but my bestfriends had laughed in my face. Of course at the time I was angry, but I gently nudged it off and played along.

As time went on, Caleigh was voted Cheer captain and Blair was promoted Head of Prom queen commitee. As Blair's chompers morphed into a thousand-watt smile, my hair became more grizzly. It became clear that my friends were slowly Flying away beyond my reach and I just wasnt capable to reach as high as them. Instead I cut my hair, changed my style, pierced my nose and hung out with 'my people'. The Bad crowd. Truth be told, while my friends were at the top of the hierachy, I was slowly sinking to the bottom, or maybe I had always been down below.

My new friends, Layla and Gia were as usual stoned out of their head, and for once I wouldnt be joining them. Dad was 'away' as far as I knew and anyone else that had once been relatively close to me, no longer cared enough to stick around.Which is why I was currently walking down a dark alley by my lonesome on my 18th birthday.

Pathetic and Lonely had become the somewhat pittyfull words that described my life.

My bitter thought's were cut short when a sharp pain struck my shoulder and my arms were pulled behined my back. A pair of Rough hands gripped me as my wrist's were cuffed tightly.

Most teenage girls could play along with the probability of being taken away to their suprise stripper party, but I knew better. My rude intruder appeared before me, while I was still held tightly, unable to put up a fight.

A pair of sparkling green eyes came in front of me. A big muscular man, much alike to my fathers men, stood before, grinning like he caught quite the catch during his fishing trip. These were not my father's men, I knew that much.

Costello Romero, my father took pride in what he did. He would only hire the best of the best to work for him, and dad would never ask another to do his dirty work for him. That was clear considering the several arrests that had occured through out my childhood. Besides their would be no reasn for any of fathers men to man handle me.

"Miss Romero."The man spoke, lifting a finger and tracing my cheek's."A clear copy of Farrah, aint yah?" he chuckled.

Farrah Romero-Green. He knew my mother. Hardly anyone knew of my mother, hell I had only recently found out.

His deep chuckles echoed through the closed space. Phsyco. I pulled back my face and attempted to spit at him but he caught my Jaw and held it tightly in place.

"I wonder what the Si'Roleh would do to get you back?"

"What makes you think that they would do anything?" I replied.

"Who would'nt fight for such a pretty face?" he smacked his lips together."Besides I believe you call their leader, Daddy?"

He gave me little time to re-collect any of my thoughts and figure out what the hell he wanted with me because before one could say gangbangers he pulled back his fist and punched me straight on the jaw. I passed out.

Happy-fucking-birthday Faye.

Lily Collins as Faye Romero
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