Chapter 3

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"What the fuck did you just say?" An enraged look took over my features and a thousand emotions swelled through me. My murderous glare was replaced by a frown as my father stood up abruptly. His cold as ice stare sent shiver's through me.

"You will do as I say Faye." He growled. "As will you Mason."

"Are you fucking shitting me! I'm eighteen, I dont have to do anything." Talking to my father in such fowl language was without a doubt overrated. Considering Mason just stood their, his face stone cold as usual, I had to take the stand. Beside's my father would'nt hurt me, or so I hope.

My father looked as if he were about to explode, but thankfully one of his men, Nathan, moved foward and grabbed his shoulder. Nathan Debrov, my guilty pleasure. 
It was the first time I noticed him here, and he sent me a cheeky grin."Finally Legal, Darlin."

I snorted. Damn this man and his deep deep dimples. Nathan Debrov was the type of guy that made both males and females weak kneed with just a grin. He could possible bed anyone, including me. The first time I went to bed with Nathan was, well awkward. I was Costello's fifteen year old daughter and he was my father's right hand man.

Dont think that stopped us because our late night sex-capeds continued. But thats just what it was. Sex. No feeling and certainly no attatchment.  

My father did not bother to make his angry glare any less subtle."Mason, we have problem's to sort out."

Mason's hard exterior did not falter at my father's command. Mason kept his mouth shut and followed him into the next room, an office most likely, and shut the door. I had a strong feeling that I was the problem.

My shoulder's were pushed, and I felt myself seated onto the plush black couch. It was no surprise that Mason's house was big and modern. The one thing that was blatantly obvious was the lack of personal belongings making the house feel cold and empty.

Something the room was not lacking however, were big built men and tension filled air. I didnt know exactly what the connection between My father and Mason was, but I did no that the room was divided into two. Men who were Loyal to Mason. And men that were loyal to daddy dearest. With of course me seated in the middle.

I was on open terrain, having deep hatred toward Mason. With in the little time that I had been here I had learn't that not only was he a heartless bastard with no sense of humour but he always snarled in disgust when he looked at me. Could I possibly Be that ugly.
My feeling's towards my father were'nt looking to good either.

The couch dipped as Darrian's big body slouched next me. He gave me on of his hastefull smirks and and wrapped an arm around me. "Looks like we're going to see alot more of each other, sweetheart."

I scowled at him and swatted at his arm. Darrian king was not the type of guy you expected to be in a gang. Top of the hierachy no less. He was somewhat of a social butterfly, a very annoying one. Although the buldge at the back of his waist said otherwise. Just Like Mason, a gun was not to subtly hidden beneath his shirt.

Mason returned into the room. His eyes were hazed with anger and his jaw was locked. He sent me a deathly glare and flared his nostrils. Once again his features copied one of disgust. What was his problem?

He walked toward's me and roughly pulled me off the couch.He bent down so he was face-to-face with me and whispered."You better fucking sort this mess out."

He did not give me a chance to reply as I was dragged out of the room in his iron grip. Did he drag people alot or was I just special.

I pinched his fist to get his attention."I can walk on my own."

He flared his nostrils and let go of me, taking faster, longer strides with me in tow.

We walked into a spacious office. My father stood at the entrance with a grim look on his face. I'v honestly had it with brooding men.

"What?" I asked.

"Faye Listen, I didnt think it would come to.this bu-"

"Just get to the point dad." I had been kidnapped, beat and manhandled. Any patience I once had was long gone.

"Mason here has agreed to look after you." He replied, to which Mason grunted.

"No." I furiously shook me head."No, you said that I would not be dragged into you-"

"I'm not asking you Faye."He stepped foward and kisses my forehead. With a nod towards Mason he left the room.
What the actual Fuck.

I moved to follow him but was roughly grabbed by big hands. I kicked, shoved, scratched and pinched. All lame attempts to be released.

"Fucking Let Me Go." I bitched.

I was pushed against the wall and Mason's fist made contact against my cheek. The pain was horrible and as pathetic as It seemed, Tears were brimming.

"I won't be disrespected In my own Fucking house." He mutterd, grabbing my chin roughly making me face him. His grip was rough and painfull. It hurt like a bitch.

Not edited.

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So third Chapter. Whaadya think? I have'nt been getting much

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