Chapter 4

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"Their is a code on every entrance and exit in this house, each door can be controlled electronically and you can be sure that one of my men will be around you, out of sight, but they will be their." Darrian's demenor may have been calm, but I heard the threat in his voice, I would be stupid to try anything.

I held a calm expression as I kept a watchfull eye on Mason, his disgust not going unnoticed.He held the door to my room as he motioned to Darrian."Give me a minute with the girl."

With one last glance towards me, Darrian gave a subtle nod and left the room, closing the door behined me.

Mason stepped towards me and bent so he stared directly into my eyes. God his eyes were beautiful."Dont try anything Faye because I promise you that you will regret it."

On second thought, his eyes were ugly. I leaned foward so that I was just a breath away. His breath was minty, his eyes were crystal clear and his face showed obvious disgust."My father will kill you, if you touch me."

What he did next, took me by suprise. He laughed, nevermind the sinister echo behind it, he laughed. "Sweet Faye, you have much to learn if you think that I'm afraid of your pathetic father."

He soberd up and continued to speak."Your father is desperate, he's weak. He needed my help, why else would he show up at my doorstep. You think he came for you?"

"You're Lying." I accused, jabbing his chest with a finger. I breathed deeply as my finger continued to assult him."You are fucking lying."

"Am I?" He was yet to flinch under the pain that my finger was causing. He seemed totaly unaffected."If you think I am Lying, then tell me Faye, why the tears?"

I blinked furiously trying to hold in tears, quickly wiping away the few that had escaped while taking deep breaths to calm down. "What's your Point?"

"Don't bother trying to cross me, you won't succeed." He said holding my chin up in a firm grip.

"And If I do." My words came out muffled as his hand slivered down towards my neck and pressing.

"I'll Kill You."


Their was a loud knock on the door and before I could answer it was pushed open revealing yet another handsome male. As far as I could remember, his name was Alejandro Fuentes, but he went by Alex.

Although Alex wasnt as easy going as Darrian, well none of the other men around here were, he wasnt as uptight as Mason. The three days that I had stayed here, Mason was nothng but a prude. A very good looking prude.

"That should suffice." Alex said as he leaned against the door frame, arms crossed and eyes lingering.

"Suffice for what exactly?" I asked grimmly. Thats the thing about the men in this house, they made decisions for me and not once had any of them bothered to notify me.

"Mason Did'nt tell you?" Alex askes. Dont look so damn suprised, none of you tell me anything. I shook my head and pushed myself of the bed.

"You're starting training today, with me." He smirked.

"Let me guess? Mason's idea." I mutterd.

"Yes Ma'am." He answerd. It was a god damn rhetorical question. Idiot. With a groan I picked up the pair of trainers from the floor putting them on.

I followed him down the glossy white stair case and into a large gym. Along with several weights and other equipment, a giant boxing ring sat smack bang in the middle of the large room.

I frowned and cross my arms over my chest. I got this. Hell no, who am I kidding, I dont got this."I don't think-"

"Dont care what you think princess." Mason said, as he tighted the bands around his fists. He pulled off his shirt and walked straight passed us to a punching bag.

"How about we start off in the ring, yeah?" Alex said, as he also slipped off his shirt. Hot Damn.

I nodded my head, my mind somewhere else.

"Show me what you got Romero."Alex taunted. Maybe it was his drool worthy body that got to me, or maybe I was just plain cocky, but lunging at Alejandro was the stupidest fucking idea ever.

He caught my body mid-air, turned us around and slammed me onto the floor of the ring. Fuck. I groaned in pain and got back up.

Alex threw a punch my way and I dodged my dropping to the floor. Stupid I know, but atleast I dodge.

I crawled on my knees and grabbed his legs, pulling hard so he landed smack on his ass.

"What the fuck are you doing, Romero?" He groaned, picking both of us from the ground.


"Maybe we should just start from the begining." He groaned."And what ever the fuck that was, crawling on you knees and playing tug-o-war with my legs, dont do it again."

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