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    I open my eyes. My eyelids weighing like an elephant. I look around, there is nothing, absolutely nothing I am able to see that I'm even mildly familiared with. Nothing I can recognise. At all. I'm just in the middle of a room full of reflections of me, myself and I. A room full of mirrors. I look at myself in one of them, not even able to recognise myself at this point. My hair is messed up, my clothes, my face. It looks like I haven't slept in months. 

  I don't remember how I got here. I just know I'm here. I remember one day agreeing to some sort of... contract... because I needed the money  it offered and then I suddenly waked up here. I don't remember any sort of details that I should probably remember. Damn it. Why the heck did I agree to whatever form that was? Living in a dog's house wasn't even that bad to begin with.

   Mirrors. That's all I see. It appears to be a labyrinth of them. I start walking straight into nowhere. Then turning right. Left. Right again. I was trying to follow my gut, not that it has ever gone well. As I keep walking the place just appears to be getting bigger and bigger. Every time I turn on any kind of corner it just  appears to be more mirrors, more labyrinths. I'm starting to panic slightly.

  Mirrors. Mirrors. Mirrors. Mirrors. Mirrors. That's my life now. Mirrors. It doesn't even feel like a word now.  Every once in a while a small fraction of food drops out of a small vent in the ceiling, that was the best part of my whole damn day. I have lost more weight in this couple of days than when i went one month straight to the gym. I'm totally sane.  Not going crazy at all.

  After a couple more days I gave up. Why even bother. Exactly the moment I gave up, I catched a glimpse of... a wall? With no mirrors? Such a thing exists? Just a painting in the middle? The painting was a simple sky drawing. Nothing much for most but a  huge relief for me. What was my first instinct after not being able to see anything besides mirrors for 6 days (or something like that) straight? That's right. I ran to the painting, grabbed it and hugged it. It felt like touching reality for the first time in years. Just to find out.... there was a whole in the wall where the painting was hanging? It appeared to go to another room. I jumped up to the hole in the wall and landed in another room. The hole behind me closed. I looked around, I was now in a room with all white walls. Three doors. At the left, a red door with doodles of flames. At the right, a blue door, drawings of clouds and birds all over, the birds looked a bit strange though. In the middle, a grey door, no drawings, just plain blank.

The place of no placeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat