Week 1

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 I would usually say it's been fine, but who am I kidding? It's been horrible. Just the thought of food can alone drive me insane. But oh well, I've been managing to keep up with it, seeing my little plants grow usually fills me up with happiness and its easier to forget about hunger,  after the first four or five days I stopped feeling that pain in my stomach of hunger, so it's been way easier. Every time I think that something will eventually happen is enough to make me keep going.

 After walking for some more time I found an isle wit not one but two cereal bars. It was the best day of the whole week, I ate the whole thing in four bites. It really did feel good. Easily the best moment of my life... I think, i have this little impression about something to do with mirrors or something like that when i think about good moments, but I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's something i dreamed after not eating or something, but I'm not really sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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