The blue door.

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     After thinking about it for some time, I decided I would go through the blue door. After all, it was the most friendly looking out of the three, and what could be worse than a place full of mirrors? I think, nothing.

  I grab the mauve handle of the door at the far right. Drawings of birds, clouds and wind all over the door. I take a deep breath before opening the door. A mysterious wind-like-force pushes me inside. I was now in a store-like room. There was a red wood sign reading "Dream realm". Although there was something  fueling that feeling of a fever dream, there wasn't anything that cought my attention at first sight. 

   Looking around carefully, this place looks just like a store. Quite larger than any store I've seen though. And all the products look bizarre. Not the products themselves perchance, just the prices. The prices. Were all... 0.00$? It has been days since I ate anything mildly acceptable in comparison to my usual diet. So it was clear what I had to do. I immediately started stuffing my face with food. I grabbed a bit of everything, really, even the items I hated. I wasn't sure  when was the next time I was going to eat something like this. Healthy and junk food. All of it. 

I wasn't sure if it was even worth it to keep going, this place was perfect. There was no reason to look for it's exit, although, it would probably be quite easy, considering this place wasn't as infinite-looking as the other one. 

  There was only one strange thing though, every once in a while when I was grabbing the last product of one of the shelves, there appeared to be a small error although it almost instantly dissapeared. The error looked like a sudden black, holografic oval. But this was reality, not some sick, twisted game. Right?

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