1| What am I doing?

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Victoria POV

"Christian I am not joking with you. Put me down." I said and as soon as he stopped walking I sighed out only for it to turn into a scream as soon as my butt collided with the ground. "Why did you do that? That hurts." I said while rubbing my butt.

"Oh, does it?" He asked sarcastically.

"What do you want Christian? I have to go back to the wedding party." I said coldly.

"Well, I need you to marry me." He said, and I erupted into laughter after processing the information.

"You must be joking." I said as I kept laughing at the thought of it. "Why would I even accept it. If I was to marry someone that person would have to be on their knees." I said trying to calm myself down.

"I am not joking." He said through gritted teeth and clenching fists.

"Why would I marry you or even why would you want to marry me?" I asked him.

"Well, because it could benefit both of our companies and I am holding your family captive so you have no choice." He said showing me a video of my parents and siblings tied up on a chair as they tried to get out. The place looked unfinished and dirty. My mother was with her eyes closed and her chin lying on her chest.

"What? You are holding my family captive? Why?" I asked in a rush. "Where are they? How are day? If they're hurt in any way, Christian we will have serious problems. My mother is asthmatic"

"As a threat for you to marry me." He said casually.

"You don't need to marry me for your company, you are loaded. What is the real reason?" I asked getting curious.

"Well, I need to have an heir for my mafia and businesses." He said nonchalantly.

"I am not going to give birth to a child of yours, my children deserve the best of a parent, and why are you choosing me to be the mother of your children, I thought you despised me." I said smirking at the end.

"You think of me like that." He said shaking his head. "I don't care what you think your children do or don't deserve." He said displaying no emotions.

"Why me?" I asked.

"Well, though I don't like you, you are the better choice. You are fierce but think before acting and you are a business woman which makes you suitable for a mafia queen and a good person to breed with to make a good offspring." He said still emotionless.

I cringed mentally at his statement."What if I don't accept it?" I asked curiously.

"Then I sent a text and one of your family members died. It will be like that until you accept it. Every time you refuse one dies, and you won't even be able to make a funeral for them." He said his voice dropped an octave.

"How long?" I asked him.

"One year." He said.

"One year. That's too much." I said.

"Is that a complaint." He asked.

"No." I said, kind of scared of what he would do to my family.

"Well that was easier than I expected." He said.

"You are holding my family captive, what do you expect?" I growled.

"Well, if I was in your place I wouldn't even look back after rejecting." He said cooly.

"Some people actually care about their family. Mr. Morales." I said.

Something hard passed on his eyes and he stepped forward. "Know your limits." He said while gripping my neck on a hold that made me stop breathing. "Or else I will kill you." He said. "Do you understand?" He asked his eyes holding a promise, I nodded my head but he was not satisfied. "Words." He said tightening his grip.

"Ye- yes." I managed and he looked satisfied.

"Good." He said then moved back to create some distance as I was catching my breath.

When I was finally able to, I lifted my head.

"We will have to discuss things over after this wedding party. Why did you have to cause all of that drama, you could have talked to me later." I said, getting annoyed just by looking at him. His cold and nonchalant stare just fuels it more.

"Well, that would make the people link one and two together and think that we are together, while we are not." He said.

"Let my family go. I will marry you. I promise." I said desperately.

"If you try anything funny you will face worse." He said then made a phone call.

"They are on their way to their houses. Now shall we go?" He said. He stopped on his track then went back to me in slow steps. "I need you to sign the contract before the wedding." His coldness is starting to get on my nerves.

"You have already planned everything?" I asked.

"Yes. You only need to sign it then we get married." He said.

This is madness. But I can't just let my family die. I know how serious he was being and putting my family at that risk is something I would kill myself for doing.

"Okay." I said.

It's not going to be for ever, it's just for a year. I can handle this. For my beloved ones.

With that we made our way back to the party.

The parties went on with fake laughter and Christian hot on my tail. I can't believe I am going to do this. The question that kept playing on my head was.

'What am I doing?"


Hello hello

I hope you enjoyed the book and that you read my first one.

Together at last.

Please vote and have a nice reading.

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