2| At least, I will be able to see my child.

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Victoria POV

When I entered Morales enterprise I headed straight to Christian's office. I nodded and greeted a few employees who were passing by.

Something that I learnt from being an employee and employer is that we always have to treat the workers nicely, to create a conductive working environment and to motivate them to work. That makes the employee's work better. And since I am a partner of this company, why not apply it here as well.

When I made it to Christian's floor I went directly to his secretaries desk.

"I marked an appointment with Christian." I said it like that to sound like I know him well, like he is more than a business partner.

She eyes me from bottom to top. "Name?" She asked.

"Victoria Jill Jackson." I said and she gave me an eye roll.

"Yes, I see it please follow me." She said in the most unpleasant way. She knocked on the door and only opened it when she heard a faint 'come in.'

"Ms. Jackson just arrived." She said in a pleasant way and I scoffed.

"Thank you, Julianna." He said then dismissed her.

"So where is the contract?" I asked as soon as I sat in his office armchair. He opened a drawer and took out a file.

"I need you to go over it and sign it." He said, while his eyes were focused on the computer.

After I went over it I saw it was a fair contract but I wanted to list some of the things I don't approve of.

"I don't like some of it." I said getting to business tone.

"What do you not like?" He asked with a raised brow.

"It says that I have to give you a child which I already know but when the contract is over I can see or talk to the child." I said.

"So?" He asked me to be more specific.

"I am not just going to let him or her go like that, I will fight for my child if I have to." I said. "Some of us-" I want to finish my sentence but then remembered what he did when I said something like that so I just kept quiet.

"Where are you trying to get?" He asked and I signed.

"Can I at least be able to visit him or her?" I asked him.

"Yes." He said. "Give me the contract I need to make some adjustments on it." He said then ripped the paper and burnt it.

He made his way to his desk and made the adjustments needed and then printed it on the printer at my far right.

I reread the contract to make sure he didn't make any unwanted changes on it then signed it.

The wedding was going to take place in three weeks, we would be having a one week honeymoon then I would have to move into his apartment.

I really hate that I will have to marry him principally because I wouldn't be able to marry the person I would truly like in the far future after it because I am religious.

People may call me mean and heartless but I am actually the opposite of it, it's just that I don't want them to see my true side because they might end up using my soft heart as a weapon to destroy me, just like Christian is doing, and also a bunch of paperwork and decision making for almost the whole day can give you some stress.

At least I will be able to see my child.

I thought as I exited the building.


I know from what you have seen she is not yet mean of heartless but you will see more of her in action later.

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