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Foot on the gas, I'm just trying to pass
All the red lights and the stop signs
I'm ready to go

Foot on the gas, I'm just trying to passAll the red lights and the stop signsI'm ready to go

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"So i don't really see a problem here Jenna.." Caitlin's voice fills my ears, my phone is propped up on the treadmill as I stress walk.

"The problem Cait is that it's messy, I avoided this kinda stuff at Iowa it's not going to change just because i changed schools."

"what's wrong? don't wanna live the new school new you motto?"

"You know sometimes i question why your my best friend" I shake my head chuckling softly.

"I'm being kinda serious Jenn, your 21 years old, you have yet to live a little, your focused on basketball and your knee and the media.. which is fine but you can't let it consume you and make you cold hearted."

"You know you're not suppose to be supporting this.."

"Well i'm sure as hell not saying go out and open your legs for everyone you meet... I'm saying there's more out there for you, more then Paige.."

I throw my head back in frustration, "what's that suppose to mean.."

"I mean, get that friendship back that you two had— stop looking at the past when then present is right in front of you. Fuck it what do you have to lose?"

"I miss you so much.." I give her a tight lipped smile.

"and i miss you more, but i have to get to practice— i'll text you later?" Caitlin's words sounded calm while her eyes screamed worried.

"Please, i love you."

"Love you too Bug"

Taking my headphones off i wipe the sweat from my forehead.


When did that even happen? i was on the phone for that long?

"I'm starting to think you're following me now.." A voice chuckles from behind me making me turn on the treadmill, almost falling, "woah there..." Blake laughs his hands finding my waist to stabilize me.

"Technically i've been all the places you have been first— so who's following who." I smile pushing his shoulder away from me before taking a swig of my water.

"See you got me there Midow," He smiles down at me, "Five miles huh? pretty impressive."

"I run or walk when i have a lot of stuff on my mind" I nod putting my hands on my waist subconsciously, "it's a habit.."

"So your crazy—"

"no! Blake" I laugh shaking my head, "it's like a form of therapy... Maybe if you weren't lazy and probably born with a six pack, you'd understand."

FIVE STAR ☆ Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now