
171 14 4

no guidance - chr*s br*wn + drake

Knocking at Destiny's door, Jungkook stands patiently. He knocked at exactly 1:30, he didn't wanna be too early or too late. She opens the door for him and greets him with a smile.

"Hi again." Destiny says.

"Hey. You all set?" Jungkook asks.

"Mhm. I just gotta put my coat on."

She does exactly that and grabs her purse as well before exiting her apartment and locking the door behind her. They enter the elevator together and stand next to each other this time.

"You look nice Destiny." Jungkook says, looking her up and down. She's only wearing some baggy jeans and a slightly cropped long sleeve shirt but it fits her so well. Along with her hair being down it's all around just something he's never seen.

"Thank you. You do too." She says.

He thanks her and soon the elevator makes it to the lobby. They walk out to his car and he opens the door for her, closing it once she's it. He starts the car and lets it heat up, leaving the two in silence for a bit.

"I know I didn't exactly plan this out well, but is there anything you'd like to do?" Jungkook asks.

"I'd like to go shopping. There's this kitchen set I want and I need some new dishes. Only if you want to though, we can also do something else."

"I honestly don't mind, this might be interesting." Jungkook tells her before pulling out of his spot.

The first song that plays is 'Exchange' by Bryson Tiller. Destiny looks over at Jungkook as he taps his finger along to the music.

"Oh, so you listen to Bryson?" She asks him.

"Just a little bit. Why?" Jungkook answers.

"Hm. Interesting." She nods before fighting her smile.

He smirks as he turns down the music to hear her a little better. "How so?"

"You like R&B music? Like do you listen to the genre a lot?"

"Love it actually. But why is that interesting?"

"I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but you just pegged me for a gym bro who probably doesn't care for it. But honestly good to know you have good taste. I think we're gonna get along just fine."

"Seems that way."

They give each other small smiles before they begin making small talk as they drive to the store. They discuss their music tastes and how similar they are.

It feels natural to them.

After a 10 minute drive, they make it to the plaza with the store Destiny wanted go to. Jungkook unlocks the door for them to leave the car and they quickly make their way to the door as the wind picks up. As soon as they enter the store, Destiny's eyes light up.

She grabs a cart to push and Jungkook walks beside her. Instantly turning her head to the left, she speeds to the section of ceramic dishes.

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