Harmonious Days

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The past two months had unfolded like a tale spun from the realms of dreams. Living in the palace with Matt and Chris brought unexpected harmony into your life. The initial complexities had given way to a shared routine—a tapestry woven with laughter, conversations, and the gentle cadence of shared moments.

As you strolled through the palace gardens on a tranquil afternoon, you found yourself reflecting on the beauty of these harmonious days. The vibrant flowers bloomed in vivid hues, mirroring the blossoming connections within the palace walls.

Chris, with his carefree spirit, joined you. "Y/N, care to join me in a stroll? The gardens hold secrets waiting to be discovered."

You smiled, linking arms with him. "Lead the way, Prince Chris."

The sun cast a warm glow as you meandered through the labyrinth of flora. Chris's playful banter filled the air, punctuated by occasional bursts of laughter. The weight of royal duties and palace politics seemed to dissipate in the serenity of the moment.

As you reached a secluded bench by a bubbling fountain, Chris turned to you with a twinkle in his eyes. "You know, Y/N, these past two months have been like a symphony. A beautiful melody composed of shared moments and unspoken understanding."

You nodded, the sentiment resonating with your own feelings. "It feels like a dream, Chris. I never expected life in the palace to be so... perfect."

Chris chuckled. "Well, welcome to the unpredictable world of royalty. But seriously, there's something magical about these moments we share."

A gentle breeze rustled through the leaves, and Chris's gaze softened. "Y/N, there's something I've been meaning to tell you."

You looked at him with curiosity. "What is it, Chris?"

He took a deep breath. "I never thought I'd find someone who could make this palace feel like a home. You've brought a warmth, a light that's transformed everything. I... appreciate you, Y/n."

His sincerity touched your heart, and you replied, "Chris, I feel the same way. You and Matt have made this place feel like a haven. I'm grateful for the friendship we've built."

As the words lingered, a shared understanding passed between you and Chris. The connection deepened, the unspoken bond growing stronger in the quiet embrace of the palace gardens.

Just then, Matt approached, his presence adding to the harmony of the moment. "Am I interrupting something?" he teased, a playful glint in his eyes.

Chris grinned. "Just a moment of serenity with Y/N. Care to join the symphony, Matt?"

Matt sat beside you, a warmth in his gaze. "Always. What were you two discussing?"

Chris exchanged a glance with you before responding, "Just appreciating the beauty of the moment and the company we keep."

Matt's smile deepened. "It's remarkable how life can surprise us with unexpected joys."

As the three of you sat together, the palace gardens became a canvas of shared laughter, shared stories, and the unspoken melody of friendships evolving into something deeper. The harmonious days continued, weaving a tapestry of connection that promised more shared moments and the gentle cadence of hearts entwined in the enchantment of a royal haven.

Two Timed Royalty - Choose Between Matt and Chris - x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora