A Choice Made (LAZY IM SORRY)

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The grand hall buzzed with a palpable tension as King James and Queen Marylou awaited Y/N's decision. Chris and Matt stood by, their expressions a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. The weight of the kingdom's future and the intricacies of your heart pressed upon you as you prepared to make a choice.

"Y/N," King James prompted, his gaze steady.

As Y/N stood at the precipice of a life-altering decision, her mind became a tumultuous sea of conflicting emotions. The weight of the kingdom's expectations, the complexities of her own heart, and the dynamics between Chris and Matt intertwined in a complex dance within her thoughts.

The memory of the heated argument and passionate kiss with Chris lingered, an indelible mark on her heart. Despite his initial dismissal, there was an undeniable connection between them that transcended the chaos of recent events. Chris's vulnerability, his admission of mistakes, and the genuine sincerity in his eyes had left an imprint on Y/N's soul.

On the other hand, Matt, though composed, had revealed a tenderness that tugged at her heartstrings. His steadfast support during moments of distress and the unwavering friendship they shared created a tapestry of emotions that added layers to her decision.

As Y/N reflected on the potential futures with each prince, she considered the implications of her choice not only for herself but for the kingdom. Chris's charisma and passion for change resonated with her, aligning with the vision of a realm she wished to create. However, Matt's stability and unwavering loyalty presented an equally compelling path.

In the end, the scales tipped in Chris's favor. The magnetic pull of their shared moments, the unspoken understanding that had developed between them, and the hope for a future where passion and unity coexisted guided her decision. Y/N chose Chris, trusting that their connection could forge a path towards a kingdom where love, leadership, and destiny intertwined

You took a deep breath, feeling the eyes of the court upon you. "I choose Chris," you declared, your voice carrying a certainty that resonated through the hall.

Chris's eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of emotions passing through them. Matt's expression tightened, masking disappointment beneath a composed facade.

Queen Marylou nodded, her approval evident. "A wise choice, Y/N. May this union bring prosperity and harmony to our kingdom."

Chris's lips curled into a grateful smile, a mixture of relief and gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, Y/N," he whispered, a subtle acknowledgment of the weight lifted off his shoulders.

As the courtiers murmured their approval, you and Chris exchanged a meaningful glance. The choice made, the path ahead unfolded with promises and challenges. The grand hall, witness to the intricate dance of hearts and destinies, embraced the union that held the potential to shape the future of the kingdom.

And with that, the chapter closed, marking the beginning of a new narrative for Y/N, Chris, and the kingdom they were destined to lead.

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