Chapter 2

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I had work the next day and as soon as my night shift was over, I started reading the diary, whilst walking home. I have always had interests in reading webtoon and wattpad amongst others.

The first thing that caught my eye was how it was written starting from 12th January 2000... It stated that a day after her she committed suicide, on her birthday, she had teleported to "another world". "She must've been a writer," I tried to make sense of it.

"How did she know she would commit suicide, was it premeditated?" I questioned.

I flipped through the pages to find half of the book empty and the last entry had been 1st July 2000.

I decided not to spoil the rest for myself and read from the beginning.

January 12th read as:
Yesterday I committed suicide, I think I died and found myself in this world, it's strange, it's still Busan but my whole life has changed.

I'm a daughter of an unfamiliar family, I apparently woke from a coma today after I got hit by a car, they apprehended the driver of the white gold flaked vehicle. Maybe I am but this feels like a dream, I keep questioning if any of it is real.

The doctor said it's because of some trauma to the brain as opposed to the reason I don't remember anything from my life.

"I don't think I can tell anyone about what may be my past life yet," I tell my self.

"I have to figure everything out first," I mumble.

"Hae-in, what are you writing this time," a non familiar beautiful guy, with light brown eyes who dressed rather like a swag full detective, brown leather jacket.

[Back to the Hae-in 2024...]

An illustration of the man was made, this woman knew how to draw, how to make art may I say...

I looked at the the pedestrian traffic light, which was green, and so I walked forth whilst my eyes were stuck on the book when I was pulled back, and saw a white gold flaked, rusty old vehicle rush past.

That's weird I just read that. I look back to find a light brown eyed guy looking back at me, THE MAN FROM THE DIARY.

He looked rather shocked and caressed my cheek. All the blood drained from my face, flushed to a pale white.

"That reckless man, I'm starting to think he wants people dead," The guy says.

"You need to be careful and get off that book for once Hae-in," He yells at me.

"Excuse me, what?" I barely managed to say.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else but she's dead so that can't be true," he nervously smiles as if holding in tears.

I finally get a good look at my surroundings and figure out that this was not the place I was a minute ago, my heart immediately sank. What was going on?

"Where am I?" I panicked and the world felt like it was spinning and the sounds tuned out, everything turned dark.

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