Chapter 3

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I woke up feeling like I got hit in the head with a bat, in once again an unfamiliar place. "Here, some water," This mystery man offers.

I drank it, "Thank you," I show my appreciation.

He looked a lot more stern now, a bit intimidating. As if he weren't fragile about a minute ago. "How long was I out?" I asked. " About a year," he said.
"A YEAR?," I shout, dumbfounded. He chuckles, "Only for about 2 hours,".

"Is your name Hae-in?" He seemed curious. "Yes, why do you ask?" I questioned. "Because of the book you had with you before you collapsed," he replies. "It's weird even your name is the same as hers, don't worry I didn't read it," he continues.

I'm starting to think that I've been sucked into a manhwa.

"Which year is it?" I ask. "Are you high on something?" He responds. "Yes, I'm high on marijuana and I don't remember the year so just tell me," I spoke sarcastically. "2001," he says.

As I thought I've been sucked into a real life manhwa. I've got to find out the reason though.

"Where am I?" I ask. " In my basement, I've decided to kidnap you," he calmly tells me. "Haha, very funny," I giggle. But his face remains unmoved with a strange smirk.

I stare at him for a bit, before faking to collapse so I had space to think.

"It happened again, she must really be high," he says before I hear the door closing indicating that he's left. I keep my eyes closed for another three minutes before the door opens and closes shut once more.

I need to read this whole book, but before that let me take a look around maybe I can figure out something.

I see in the distance, in this fairly large basement a board. On it were pictures and notes written. The title caught my attention The Busan Bombings.

It was written as an unsolved case, which had killed 2 million of the 3.7 million population in Busan. Maybe- my examining process was interrupted by laughing and chuckling and footsteps heading towards the basement. I quickly jumped back in to the rigid bed I was on before.

"She looks just like Hae-in," I could hear mysterious man's voice, "little bug, you still haven't gotten over her, you are even resorting to kidnapping someone," a woman's voice.

The come in and I could feel someone's breath on my face, she was probably at a loss of words as well. "She does really look like her, it's uncanny," the woman said.

"You can stop pretending you fainted now," the man said. "Your breathing pattern changed, from how it was the first time I collapsed," he goes on.

"Okay, okay," I reluctantly open my eyes.

"Okay, I wasn't serious about kidnapping you, go," he completely changed his sassy personality in a second.

"Wait, what, you can't just chase me out after bringing me to a place I have no idea about," I said. Never actually thought I'd want to be kidnapped.

"Even your mannerisms are the same," he looked my way with his emotionless eyes. This was not the same man I talked to five minutes ago, what the hell is going on.

"I apologise for my behaviour since we met I'd been rather shaken seeing you," he said.

"He's got a split personality, don't mind him," the woman sighs.

"It's alright," I awkwardly smile.

They don't seem like bad people, maybe I should just tell them about how I got here, even though they would probably think of it as hilarious at first.

I tried to speak but no words came out literally.

"You look like you're constipated," the man said.

I guess I did look weird, my lips moving weird, was this a rule of some sort, I can't tell characters that I'm not a character, interesting.

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