My First 100-Word Story: "Love is in the Air-port"

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"Ticket, Passport...Luggage here please."

It's almost scripted; the blonde behind counter- a poker-face. 

'Unlike Rita' he smiles, thinking of the buoyant red haired beauty he befriended not two hours ago, 'Love at first sight', both awaiting their flights.'I'm such a cliché'

He keeps an eye on her two bags. 

"The little girl's room." she had winked. 

Two cops and a German shepherd. They pause beside him. Something's wrong. 

"Your bags?" they ask. 

"Not the Guccis"

 Rita materializes, fear and guilt written over her face. 

 "You two friends?" 

 She opens her mouth; he is quicker, "Haven't seen her in my life!"


Wrote this one a couple of years ago for a competition. Got Shortlisted. Didn't win. But the prize was pretty Meh (Dollar stationery box, if I recall....) so yeah. Don't care. ^__^ The word limit makes it very frustrating! however, in the end, you realize that some words can be lived without. 

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