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I bounce on my toes, eagerly awaiting my turn to get on the boat. The fresh air and the chilling breeze make me shiver from the chills but the heat of the excitement is too much.

This is my first time boating, and I love that it's with all my friends, all these people I cherish. 

It's going to be wonderful.

Soon, its my turn and I hold my friend Renee's hand once we're in the boat. It starts to sail soon, gliding smoothly and a loud cheer goes out. Our entire class begins to sing a song, and the chorus echoes, filling the sky with reverberations of unbound happiness, our hearts soaring too.

I take in a moment and grin. This is what I want my life to be like, surrounded by the people I love and then suddenly its not.

Suddenly, its gone. The trance is broken, and the world is tilting. No, it's us. 

The boat is tilting, and we're falling, falling, falling until we've hit the water and the water is trying to make me loosen my grip on Renee's hand and soon, its so cold I don't feel her hand anymore. Maybe I've let go.

I flail, my lungs filling up and trash but it's to no avail and I remember the joy with which I left the house this morning, eager to go on the school trip.

 Its getting darker, darker and darker and I suddenly I know I am leaving my home.

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