The Sins Of Ancestors

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The sky is cloudy and grey, a fitting scene for a funeral. The local Teronites walk past the outpost somberly and quietly no talking can be heard. Shay'era and Keer'sa walk in the same group up the side of a windy path to a rock ledge jutting out from the side of a mountain. After a long walk they arrive at the site and begin a ritual that involves stacking engraved rocks along a sheltered wall forming a large mural.

As the last people arrive the ritual begins, as select people bring their rocks engraved with lines joining to the rocks around it in an artful tapestry.

The ceremony ends with people putting flowers underneath the sheltered mural, saying their respects and finally leaving at their own pace leaving Shay'era and Keer'sa.

There's a tense hatred radiating from Shay'era and Keer'sa can sense it.

Keer'sa asks in their native tongue- "What is wrong? You where quiet during the ceremony."

Shay'era's eyes are narrowly focused on the ground, her fists are clenched, and her face has a scowl while her brows are furrowed betraying her unearthed hatred for the marauders who abducted her father and mother.

Shay'era finally answers Keer'sa's question- "No, I'm not alright, not as long as those marauders still breathe."

Keer'sa pauses and carefully cautions- "The marauders will get what is coming to them, but we need to be pait-.."

"Shay'era- "What? Patient?!" she snaps. "This is what waiting gets us!" as she gestures to the wall of names and carvings.

Keer'sa is unsure how to respond because she knows in a way she's right. It was a lack of communication between the clans and independent tribes that brought the downfall of Shay'era's home village.

Keer'sa ponders for a minute and says becoming emotional- "You know - you're right." she says walking over to three stones, sadly running her fingers across their etched grooves.

Shay'era is slightly taken aback by Keer'sa sudden change of demeanor- "What are you talking about?"

Keer'sa shuts her eyes thinking back to a painful memory that has scarred her for so long- "This not the first time our home has been attacked by the marauders.."

Shay'era looks at Keer'sa with a slightly quizzical expression as Keer'sa relates her story- "It was a few years before you were born, when the marauders descended and took our belongings and killed anyone in sight. Including my husband, and our children.." Keer'sa pauses for a moment, remaining composed, but the pain of the memory still is as strong as it was all those years ago.

Shay'era feels like she was stabbed in the heart by her emotions and begins to realize the full impact of her previous words- "Keer'sa, I'm so sorry. I didn't -.."

"It's ok." Keer'sa interrupts taking a breath and continues. "It was fear that guided my decisions for the next few years and it caused me to fail our people, our inability to protect ourselves is my fault Shay'era, it is my responsibility to bear. And if you don't mind, I would like to be alone."

Shay'era takes her queue and begins to walk down the path back to the town, but she stops at a point and looks back at Keer'sa with a concerned look on her face before continuing down the path.

There's a few minutes where Keer'sa is alone with her thoughts and the fear that plagues her. It's in the stillness that she begins to find peace with her past actions but knows that she must be strong for the future. She is resolved in her heart to journey to the other clans when she hears some footsteps coming up the path.

Turning around she sees Ukaen in his civilian clothes walking up the path toward her. Keer'sa greets Ukaen and inquires why he is up here.

Ukaen responds gingerly- "I wanted to pay my respects, I know that people don't want me around, but - I can't just do nothing.. it feels, wrong."

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