date part 1

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Esmè pov.

So my classes have been cancelled for a couple of weeks due to all of the murders that have been happing recently.

So I've been stuck in my house all day but a couple of days ago Esmond texted me which I think is weird since I don't remember ever giving him my number I ask him about it but he immediately shut it down.

So we have been texting each other for the last couple of weeks and getting closer with practice and everything and yesterday he asked me out on a date I said yes so here I am now talking to Alina about everything.

"Ok so what are you going to where," she asked me sitting on my bed.

"Idk just something normal not to extreme its only the first date"i say putting on my make up.

"Well we should go out shopping for a dress for you to where" Alina says jumping off my bed.

"No its fine I'll just find something from my wardrobe" I say getting up now finished doing my makeup.

"No we are going shopping and that's final" she says dragging me out of the bedroom.

We then shortly arrive at the mall and walk in I have a hat and sunglasses on so people don't recognise me and ask for a picture.

"So where do you want to go first" Alina said once we walked in.

"I don't really care let's just be quick before anyone recognises me"i say quickly.

We walk into this random shop and look around for a bit until I find this amazing outfit.

"Hey look at this" I say calling Alina over.

"Wow that looks amazing you should get it definitely" she says.

I pay for it then we leave quickly.

Arriving home I quickly put on the outfit and do my hair.⁰

Her outfit

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Her outfit.

I then take my phone out to text Esmond that I'm ready.

5 mins later he says that he's outside which is weird since I never told him where I live.

I get my bag and head outside and o see him leaning ageist his car.

"Wow you look amazing" he says once he sees me.

"Thanks you to" I say to him.

"Shall we get started" he said opening the door for me.

"We shall" I say getting into the car.

Sorry for short chap next one will be longer promise.

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