
4 1 18

grace, age four.

when the bell rings signalling recesss time, my classmates all rush to wear their coats and beanies and go play in the snow. i love playing in the snow, but I dont like looking like a loser if i play on my own because no one wants to be my friend.

i reluctantly wear my jacket, mittens and scarf because miss angela will be upset if i stay here on my own, and i don't like upsetting people.

outside, it's very chilly, but i love this weather, winter is probably my favourite season of the year.

all the kids outside are playing and laughing together, and i just stand there, not knowing what to do.

in the end, i go site on one of the swings after wiping off the snow with my scarf, and a few minutes later, a little boy with messy blond hair that falls on his blue eyes nears me and asks;

"Can i sit here with you?"

I nod, a bit awkaward with people i don't know, i finally work up the courage to talk to him.

"what is your name?"

"Lucas." he replies with a faint french accent, pushing his hair out of his eyes. "yours ?"

"Grace." i tell him, staring at his beautiful blue eyes, and giggle when i see snow on his long lashes.

"why are you laughing ?" he asks shyly, cheeks turning pink.

"nothing, its just the snow on your lashes." i giggle and, and start laughing when he playfully shoves my arm.

that was the day i met my best friend, the day my loneliness went away, and the day i finally started to feel loved.

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