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Grace, age 17
13/01/ 2022. 4:13 pm.

As i strolled through the streets of Geneva, the late afternoon sun cast a golden hue over the city, illuminating the snow coated trees and architecture around me.

It was refreshing to see the sun after so much rain and snow -don't get me wrong i absolutely love the rain and snow- i felt like my day was finally beginning in some sorts.

Or maybe that's just my fucked brain, who the hell knows.

My steps were light as I was cooling down from my run and taking my sweet time heading over to the soccer field to enjoy the last bits of sun rays.

After so many years of taking the same route to the field, my body worked on muscle memory.

This is always my favourite part of the day, the quiet moments of solitude i got after my runs on my way to pick my best friend up from soccer practice. 

As I approached the field, the familiar sound of boys yelling and the thud of soccer balls echoed in the distance, making my heart swell with excitement at the thought of seeing Lucas and the boys -mostly lucas though, don't tell the others- 

Once there, i made my way to my friends, glad that practice had just finished.

"Hey losers!"

"Gracie !" Ollie -oliver- was the first to see me and ran over to me, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. Damn he's strong.

"Ew ! Ol put me down you're all sweaty stop!" I laughed while kicking his back as he made his way to the others

"Hey sunshine," Lucas greeted once Oliver put me down and opened his arms to hug me.

"I'll hug you once you're clean bear." I quickly escaped.

"As if you're not sweaty from your run too." He shaking his head with a chuckle.

Waiting from lucas to shower i sat on the bleachers and gazed at the sunset bathed field in front of me, enjoying the last moments of sunshine before it got dark.

Little did Grace and Lucas know that their already slightly fucked up little world was about to test them some more in more ways than they could've ever imagined.

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