Children in America

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Maya POV

It's the year 2090. 75 years ago, the President was shot in the head. He was replaced by a young woman named Madeline Smith. That's where it all began. Madeline is a woman who hates creativity, and will do anything to make the American population her intelligence-focused slaves. I have no idea what this country looked like before I was born, but I do know that New York is the last city standing where creativity is still appreciated.

I was supposed to be an only child, but five years ago my sister Tiana was born. So annoying. This kid is the definition of creative. She has turned into a complete dance freak, dancing everywhere she goes or simply whenever she hears a song. If Hollywood still existed, Tiana would be famous, but even if that happened, I know she would still love me just as she has been for the past five years. Not only does she have the crazy personality of a dance star, she's got the looks too. My sister has those flawless blonde, over the shoulder curls, stunning bright blue eyes and a gorgeous smile. Tiana even manages to find enough money somehow, when the rest of us are struggling to buy designer clothes; not just for dance, but for everyday life too! This kid was so cut out to be famous.

As for me; I'm never going to be famous, just plain old Maya. See, the thing is, everyone I see knows my name and tells me I'm going to be this big star, but I have no talent in the areas that count. Ever since I was old enough to speak, I had always taken a liking to magic, which is never going to get me anywhere; just a jail cell when somebody dies as a result of me. To be nice, I dance with Tiana, but nobody pays attention to me, just her and I have no desire to be fancy. I've got the only thing I need. Enough money to send myself to the magic school here in New York.

My parents were born in Florida before it was destroyed, so they escaped here to start a new life. Never very rich, my parents are always struggling to afford the basics; food, shelter and clothing. To make money, not only do both my mom, Alissa and my dad, Brian have to work, but I have to too. I have a job at the magic school as a janitor when I'm not studying or in class. I live in the poor sector of the city, but that doesn't stop me from entering the rich world in between jobs or on my way to school and work.

* * *

My eyes dart upwards to all the tall skyscrapers. My school is in the rich sector, so I have to walk through it on the way home. Everything is different. The clinking of heels on the pavement is everywhere, belonging to the people with expensive fancy dresses to match. Each step I take, someone gives me the glare telling me I don't belong. I know I don't belong, so I ignore them, even though if they walked into the magic sector I would totally stare at each one of them. There are both the old fashioned, elegantly carved buildings and the super business-like ones with the glass steps and thousands of floors and windows.

I am constantly in awe until I reach my house and open the door. Ahh, the aroma of freshly cooked food hits my nose and I run inside to eat after a hard days work. The Reid household reminds me of the early middle ages. Paintings on every wall, almost covering every square inch of wall space to be honest and the constant smell of a fire burning in the fireplace. There are only 2 bedrooms, so I have to share mine with Tia while my parents take the other one. My room is sort of divided in half. Tia's side has posters of dancers, famous Hollywood stars from the early 21st century and some of her favourite paintings she painted. For a five year old, her art is quite nice; far better than anything I could do even though I've never tried. her closet is completely filled with old dance costumes, a few designer outfits from Gucci and Prada, and shoes; her obsession with shoes is CRAZY. On the other hand, my side of the room is entirely magic. Posters of famous mages, selfies I took with my friends at school and a section designated to each art of magic where I can write new spells once I learn them. I don't own many clothes, but the ones I do have are pretty ugly. Mainly things I pick up at a thrift shop or friends' clothing when I doesn't fit anymore. My whole closet; well the half that I look at is all filled with different sets of enchanted mage robes to wear to school each day. But most importantly, on the dividing line in our room, Tiana put up a poster that she drew. It depicted two girls holding hands in a broken world with only a few words: The Children of America: We are the Future.

A/N:     So guys this is my first attempt at any kind of modern/sci-fi story, let alone romance; so I would love to hear what you think! I think I'll be updating at least once a week, so stay tuned for chapter 2. Lastly, please comment your feedback and press the star to vote!!! :)


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