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Maya POV

"See Tia, I chose that song because you're my angel and I never want to lose you. I want you to know that you are what keeps me holding on each day, giving me the courage to do ordinary things. You, know, I had you in my head when I agreed to let Caden walk home with me and when I skipped detention. I knew everything was going to be fine because soon I would be back in the light of your halo. If I lost you, Tia, I would lose everything. No matter how much you think you're not the most important thing in my life; you're wrong. I would never leave you in the dark for some boy. Guys are replaceable, there is no other you, I'll never find another sister that could take your place. I chose this song because I want you to show someone else how much they mean to you. Who's your angel Tia? I know you'll always be mine."

My baby sister has always been my angel, for as long as I can remember. But now that line is beginning to feel strange coming out of my mouth; because Caden entered my life. I know he's way out of my league, but the impact he's made on me is huge, and now his good looks are starting to ruin things between Tia and I. Like what if she doesn't even care; that the solo is just there for the sake of her dancing? It's a good thing though at least that she took an immediate liking to the song, so she wouldn't mess up something she's good at on purpose. After all, this is Nationals, and every little mistake matters to the judges and could determine the difference between winning and not placing in the top five.

"Maya that was the sweetest thing I have ever heard come out of your mouth! Of course this song goes out to the only person who has ever believed in me, and can you guess who that is? Hint, she's standing right in front of me." Tia asks.

"Nah, I got nothing Tia. Who's it for?" I say, trying to make her tell me herself so I can know that she means it.

"You silly!" Tia laughs. "I could never ask for a better sister than the beautiful angel right in front of me Maya. I want you to be there for this one, even if you have school please. I know you are doubting whether or not you think you are my angel, so why not see it live, back stage."

I gulp, knowing full well what backstage means. She's going to make me perform even though she knows that I hate dancing. "You want me to be backstage?"

"Yeah, it's Nationals Maya. You can show off well you're at it, and I'd even let you ask that boy of yours if he wants to come to watch you. You know, the more people cheering you on, the better the performance will be." Tia says confidently, like she knows I'll give in at some point. That happens as soon as she mentions Caden coming to watch. That would make me do so much better, I might even have a shot at the title. And I can have an excuse for spend time with a cute guy who clearly likes me, or at least had liked me in the past.

"Okay, sure I'll do a solo. What genre should it be; any suggestions Tia?" I asks her.

"I would personally suggest something along the lines of a love song or a contemporary piece. But that's just me; you can do whatever you want Maya. Just remember, it should be something the judges are going to remember and that the facial expressions make it easy to tell a story to the audience." Tia says, hinting at doing a piece that would impress Caden, although I think he'll be impressed if I just show up and dance.

"It's always all about the face isn't it?" I joke. "How about something like "Invincible" or "Your Love is my Drug"?"

"Well, both of those seem okay, but just explain to me the story you would tell with both of the pieces."

We walk inside and sit down at the kitchen table to talk. "IF I did invincible, I would be talking about how I'm not afraid anymore. Not afraid of people thinking I can't do things because of the amount of money I have. I used to be scared of the rich kids, thinking they were all snobby and rude towards the lower class. But then I met Caden, and he turned my world upside down. He made me realize that my fear was based upon a serotype and not all rich people were like that because he's an example of one that's not. In other words, I plan to tell the audience that they should let down their judgements of people until we have actual facts to prove your point. Showing that my fear was based upon what society thought of people like me being involved with people of the upper class. Now, for the other piece, I was thinking of doing about Caden, so I found it funny that you asked me to invite him. Ever since I met him, he's invaded my thoughts and totally set me off. I've not been doing as well in school, showing up late, almost got a detention and nearly lost my best friend. It's like I'm obsessed, like the song is implying. Wouldn't it be kind of funny for him to see that on a stage?"

"I think that would be quite funny, although I like the first piece better. The story is directed more at a general audience rather than at one person, so they can all relate and understand the story. Is that okay with you, or did you really want to do the other piece, because you can do that if you want. I'm not your teacher so nobody has to listen to me; that's just my personal opinion on the matter."

"Yeah I'll stick with the first one. I've got to beat you next week. That would feel so good, the scent of victory already wafting through the air as I speak. Can I use you phone to call Caden. I don't want him to know it's me asking him to come to Nationals." I ask politely.

"Of course, wouldn't want to embarrass you when it comes to the love of you life, now would I." she jokes at me, laughing.

I take her phone and dial the number, hoping he'll pick up the first time so it doesn't look like I'm stalking anybody. Pacing around the room, he finally picks up.

"Hello, this is Caden Winters, who is this?"

"Hi Caden, it's Maya's sister Tiana. I wanted to ask you if you were interested in watching Maya perform at the Believe National Dance Competition next week in downtown New York?"

"Maya dances, I thought she was only into magic? Well, if she is performing I'll be sure to be there to watch the Queen of the Magical world. I'll see you next week and good luck on you solo if I don't see you before then. Bye"

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