Her Angel

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Tiana POV

I am exhausted. Nationals are next week and I have yet to come up with a piece of music for my solo. As of right now, all I have done is pirouette around the garden to the melodies of random music from Maya's phone. Being Beyoncé is her pop idol, I find some pretty strange stuff compared to what I like, which is slow love songs or instrumental compositions. My mom said this morning that if I can't find a piece by the end of today, then I don't dance at Nationals, which would be the end of the world for me. Dance is my life and unlike Maya, I devote my time to my technique instead of finding true love. Packing up my paper, Maya's phone and heading inside for the night, I see Maya coming home from school much later than she normally does. She likes to hightail it right out of that place on  a regular basis.

"Hey Maya, anything new at school? You were home much later than usual tonight." I ask my older sister.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Besides the hottest guy in school asking me to walk home with him and helping me out of detention!" she exclaims giggling. This is a big deal for Maya, being one of the only people from our area in a prestigious school to have rich kids thinking she's cool. I only pretend to be happy for her, even though it may mean that my Maya is growing up and she'll leave soon,

"That's great Maya. What's his name?

"His name's Caden, he's the number tow ranked mage in the world, but probably the richest. Tell me Tia, what's the matter with you, Nationals is next week, you shouldn't be frowning," she jokes.

"I'm not dancing at Nationals this year." I say trying to hold back the tears.

"Why not Tia, you've gotten so good, not dancing is just a waste of your talent when you actually have a shot at the title this year."

"Mom said this morning that if I didn't have a piece picked out for my solo by tonight that I just wouldn't dance. I guess she wouldn't have me make a fool of myself at the biggest competition of the year if I didn't have enough practice to be up to my usual standards."

"You don't have music for your solo yet? Well I guess you'll have to use my favourite song, and spoiler alert... it suits you perfectly!" Maya says quite happily.

Maya grabs my hand and pulls me back towards the garden where I just came from a few minutes ago. Taking her phone from my hand, she inputs the passcode and scrolls through her hundreds of songs before finally pressing play. First I hear the piano, and immediately I know that this could work. It's not one of Maya's usual pop hit singles, so I wonder why it's her favourite. There are a couple of instrumental moments,perfect for technique filled choreography before the lyrics come on. The girl's voice is smooth and elegant as the words seemingly flow out of her mouth.

Remember those walls I built?  *  Well baby their tumbling down  *  And they didn't even put up a fight  *  They didn't even make a sound  *  I found a way to let you in  *  But I never really had a doubt  *  Standing in the light of your halo  *  I got my angel now

It's like I've been awakened  *  Every rule I've had you breakin'  *  It's the risk that I'm taking  *  I ain't never gonna shut you out!

Everywhere I'm looking now  *  I'm surrounded by your embrace  *  Baby, I can see your halo  *  You know you're my saving grace  *   You're everything I need and more  *  It's written all over your face  *  Baby, I can feel your halo  *  Pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo, halo, halo  *  I can see your halo, halo, halo  *  I can feel your halo, halo, halo  *  I can see your halo, halo...  *  Halo, ooh, ooh...

Hit me like a ray of sun   *  Burning through my darkest night  *  You're the only one that I want  *  Think I'm addicted to your light  *  I swore I'd never fall again  *  But this don't even feel like falling  *  Gravity can't forget to pull me back to the  *  Ground again

And it's like I've been awakened  *  every rule I had you breakin'  *  It's the risk that I'm taking  *  I'm never gonna shut you out!

Everywhere I'm looking now  *  I'm surrounded by your embrace  *  Baby, I can see your halo  *  You know you're my saving grace  *  You're everything I need and more  *  It's written all over your face  *  Baby, I can feel your halo  *  Pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo, halo, halo  *  I can see your halo, halo, halo  *  I can feel your halo, halo, halo  *  I can see your halo, halo..  *  Halo, ooh, ooh..  * Halo, ooh, ooh...  *   Halo, ooh, ooh, oh...

Everywhere I'm looking now  *  I'm surrounded by your embrace  *  Baby I can see your halo  *  You know you're my saving grace  *  You're everything I need and more  *  It's written all over your face  *  Baby I can feel your halo  *  Pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo, halo, halo  *  I can see your halo, halo, halo  *  I can feel your halo, halo, halo  *  I can see your halo, halo  *  Halo, ooh, ooh  *  Ican feel your halo halo, halo  *  I can see your halo, halo, halo  *  I can feel your halo, halo  *  Halo, ooh, ooh  *  Halo, ooh, ooh  *  Halo, ooh, ooh, oh

I am so shocked right now it's not even funny. This song may be written by Maya's pop idol, but it's so not Maya. My sister is crazy when she dances, definitely not the laid back choreography used for this type of song. However, Maya's song just happens to be a beautiful option for my Nationals solo,  just the style I need to close out a great season of dancing.

"So'd you like it?" Maya asks when the song is over.

"No May I don't like it." I pause, seeing the frown grow on her face. "Awe, Maya I love it, you knew I would! Just why would this be your favourite when you have so many other songs to choose from?"

Maya reaches over to hit pause on the next song that's playing over our conversation. She flips her hair out of her face, and lays her hand, resting on my shoulder. I can tell this is going to be something important that I should listen to and never forget.

"See Tia, I chose that song because you're my angel and I never want to lose you. I want you to know that you are what keeps me holding on each day, giving me the courage to do ordinary things. You, know, I had you in my head when I agreed to let Caden walk home with me and when I skipped detention. I knew everything was going to be fine because soon I would be back in the light of your halo. If  I lost you, Tia, I would lose everything. No matter how much you think you're not the most important thing in my life; you're wrong. I would never leave you in the dark for some boy. Guys are replaceable, there is no other you, I'll never find another sister that could take your place. I chose this song because I want you to show someone else how much they mean to you. Who's your angel Tia? I know you'll always be mine."

So guys my latest update, from a different POV this time. Within the next few chapters we will have Tia's Nationals solo. Do you think Tia will dedicate the song to Maya or does she have someone else??? Comment what you think, I would love to hear your thoughts!  Also don't forget to show your appreciation for this chapter by voting, and of course commenting your feedback on the chapter (i would love to make this story more interesting for you). :)     Lastly to y'all from Canada like me, HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!!!

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