37 | the fuck?

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chapter : 37
the fuck?

chapter : 37the fuck?

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surprise update ;)

uhmm...so... you all LOVE ME. REMEMBER THAT.

(if you all follow me on insta, you are already aware how I have completed writing Royally Trapped completely OFFLINE.

a honest confession : i feel the following chapters are something i always envisioned for my noor and kabir and i can promise y'all, you will love and hate and cry and laugh and enjoy every moment of the chapters left.

n o o r

Something is really wrong.

It's been a month since Kabir and I began the challenge to confess our feelings to each other. We had made a trip to my home and back, and all this while time has been smooth.

Three short months of us being married have passed by. We have completely transitioned into the married zone. We spend the time together talking, gossiping, laughing, dissing, fighting, stealing glances and kisses.

Sometimes those get heated up, but we stop before we finally lose control. It's edging and we are still pushing each other to confess first.

Time has been kind, we often find ourselves tangled in each other's arms the second we step into our home. But, in the office, we try to be professional.


There are days when we play hide & seek, with me sneaking into his cabin during breaks. There was that one time when he pulled me into the storage room, while I was busy taking printouts.

A hand wounded around my arm tugged me into the dark room. An involuntary shriek left my mouth, but a hand covered it.

"The fuck?" I had asked bewildered. My eyes took their own time to get adjusted in the dark.

"I missed you, baby."

Even in the dark, his eyes shone so brightly. The room was so small, barely fitted both of us.

"You just saw me at home."

"That's not enough. Nothing is ever going to be enough with you."

Everything was going well until this week. I could have been wrong but I have sensed him distancing himself from me. It's not so evident but for someone who lives with him, I can see it, so clearly.

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