"Not anymore they don't."

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Somewhere in Scarif...

"Hey wake up, wake up!"
"He's hurt, we need to save him quick"
"Well hurry up!"

Rex begins to open his eyes. He groans and tries to move but fails. "He's awake!" A man helps Rex move his head up.
"Nghh..." Rex groans as he tries to get up with the help of a man. "That was a close call." The same man says. Rex starts to observe his surroundings.
"What happened to me?"
"You got shot 3 inches from your heart, but luckily Latt came to rescue you right away." A woman said. Latt smiles at Rex and observes his surroundings with binoculars. He was a dark skinned man with brown hair, a beard and dark green eyes. Rex gets up with help of the same man and stares aggressively at him. "Who are you?! Stay away from me!" Rex starts shouting. "Woah, relax. We mean no harm." A woman says. "I'm Zess, part of the rebels" She continues. She was light skinned with dark brown hair and deep black eyes. Rex tries to calm down and looks at her. "How did I get here?" He asked. "We don't know. We just saw you shooting at those stormtroopers and all of the sudden you got shot." The man from earlier stated. "I'm Clarge by the way." He continued. Clarge was a big muscly bald man with a mustache and brown eyes. "Why were fighting them anyways?" Zess asked. "For the republic, of course." Rex replied. Zess eyed Clarge and Latt with a questionable look. "Well you're in no state to go anywhere out there. You'll stay with us." Latt said.

Rex and the rebels got back to the camp in Scarif. Zess gives Rex a warm drink and a blanket. "So tell me, what is a clone doing out there fighting his own troops?" Zess asked. Rex took a sip of his drink and looked away. "They aren't my troops, not anymore." He said. "And why's that?" Zess continued asking. "They've turned against the republic. He stated. Clarge put his hand on Rex's shoulder and rubs it. "What's your number, clone?" Zess asks.
"No numbers?"
"We aren't just numbers, we have names."
"Interesting, I didn't know clones had personalities too."
"Not anymore they don't."
Rex tried to get up but hardly did. "Ngh..." He groaned while falling down. Clarge helped him up and tried to help him walk but failed. "Like I said, rest." Latt smirked. "You should get some sleep, we're going to move tomorrow first thing in the morning." Zess said. "Clarge, help him to bed." She continued. Clarge started carrying Rex to bed. "Ugh...thanks" Rex groaned as he started closing his eyes.

The rebels packed their things into a ship. Clarge went to try waking Rex up. Rex was in deep sleep so Clarge decided to let him continue his sleep while carrying him to the ship. "Why isn't he awake?" Zess asked. "Latt said he needs rest so that's what I'm gonna give him." Clarge giggled. Zess smiled and checked that every rebel is inside the ship and told the pilot to start moving.

Rex woke up with a twi'lek on his side. "You look hurt." She laughed. "Yeah if I wouldn't be hurt then I wouldn't be here." Rex stated while getting up. He touched his arm and observed his body "Latt he woke up!" The twi'lek shouted. Latt walked next to Rex and checked his pulse. "Looks like you can get up now without Clarge's help." He said. "Where's my armour? Rex asked worryingly. "You're getting it back as soon as you're able to walk again." Latt stated. Rex looks at his shirt next to him. He stares at the symbol in the centre of it. "Something wrong?" The twi'lek asked. Rex looked away. "No, nothing is wrong." He said with a little worried look.

"Well anyways, we're going to Tatooine to talk with a jedi." Latt smiled. Rex's eyebrows raised. "A jedi?" He said. "A clone squad helped us hack into the empire's list to see confirmed and unconfirmed deaths of Jedi's." The Twi'lek stated. "And?" Rex asked curiously. "There were a few unconfirmed deaths but we found one right away that was absolutely sure." Latt said. "This Jedi apparently was on an undercover mission on Tatooine and had no troops with her. The empire sent troops to kill her later on with the order 66 but failed to find her." Latt continued. "Who is this Jedi? And how are you so sure she's in Tatooine?" Rex asked worryingly. "She's called (F/N). The clone squad did some research and found a citizen who has seen her." The twi'lek answered. Rex's face dropped out of shock and also a bit of relief. "She made it.." He said with a smile. Latt and the twi'lek looked at each other and looked back at Rex. "Do you know this Jedi?" The Twi'lek asked confusingly. "She's a friend of mine. A really close one." Rex said. Then he looked at Latt and the Twi'lek realizing what he said. "Oh I meant...uuh...a general, a good general." He said while panicking. "Ah I never got your name, Twi'lek." Rex said trying to change the subject. "Im Shurlet but back to your knowing of this Jedi.." She smirked. "I'm a captain, she was a general who I used to work with." Rex said with a serious voice. "Hah relax Captain, we aren't going to blast you just because you two might have been close." Latt laughed. Rex got mad but also smiled a bit. "Try and rest and then you'll get your armour back, alright?" Latt said. "I'll try." Rex said and lied down. "I didn't think Jedi could have relationships with clones." Shurlet smiled as she walked away with Latt. "Yeah me neither but we can't be sure of it." Latt laughed.

 "The Post Order 66" ♡ Captain Rex x Female Reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now