"But I don't want to lose you."

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Back in the Ship.

"So where are we headed to?" You asked. Rex was scrolling through his holopad. Nobody seemed to have caught your attention. You coughed and asked again. "Where are we headed to?" All of the sudden all the eyes were on you. "To Coruscant." Latt answered. You were a bit nervous. The last time you were in action was when you escaped the attack of the clones. Ever since then you have hid in Tatooine. Luckily that didn't last for long. All of the sudden everything seemed to go black. Your thoughts dwelled on the attack.

Inside the visions

"Were sending you Naboo to defeat the Separatists attack. It has been informed that they have taken hostages with them." Your former Master Mace windu says. Your mind was clouded with the dark side. Something was going to happen. You took your Masters battalion with you. And as you left you saw Anakin Skywalker coming towards Master Windu, talking to him about something important. It was time to leave.

Back in reality

"(N)!! (N) wake up!!" You heard a familiar voice. "(N)!" The voice shouted. Suddenly you saw everyone around you worried. Rex was shaking you. "Uh..what happened?" You asked curiously. Rex hugged you tightly. "You went completely blank. Was it a vision?" Rex asked while letting you go from the hug. Then you remembered the vision you had just a moment ago. You sighed. "Yeah, nothing to worry about." Everyone else seemed to get back to their doings and so did you. Until rex grabbed your arm and dragged you to another room. He sat you down to a bed's corner. You looked at him confused. "(N)." He sighed. "Thing's have been different ever since the Order 66. And they will be." He said with a frown. "But we need to stay strong. Just like you said. You looked up to him. Then looked away. "I know Rex, I know." You said. "But I don't want to lose you. Not again." You said with anger coming to the surface. Rex put two of his fingers on your chin and turned you facing him. "Cyar'ika, I'm not going anywhere." He said. You stared at him with tears flooding your eyes. "Rex I- I feel guilty." You said as you began to cry. Rex hugged you tightly. "Guilty for what?" He whispered. "For surviving." Rex tightened the hug. "How did you even survive?" He asked but then the door opened. "Oh sorry did I interrupt a Forbidden relationship?" Clarge chuckled. You wiped your tears away. Rex immediately stood up and and blushed. "There's nothing going on with us!" He shouted trying to cover his blush. "You know, we're not the Republic. You can just admit it instead of 'hiding it'." Clarge laughed. "Were not-" Rex tried to shout but Clarge ran away giggling. You got up and put your arm on Rex's shoulder. "It's alright Mesh'la. We can trust them now, can't we?" You said. Rex loosened up and gave you a kiss on your forehead. "Yeah, I guess for now." He said. You smiled and gave him a big kiss on his lips.

"Ughh are we there yet?" Shurlet asked annoyed. "Not yet." Zess answered. "Wait I never got any answers on what I signed up for." You said. Zess turned to look at you. "Coruscant, Empire, Jedi whoosh the Empire, Rebels free prisoners, boom, mission over." She said rolling her eyes. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." You mumbled to Rex. "What did you say?" Zess asked as she stood up. "Just because your a Jedi, doesn't mean you rule this place. I do, and you will follow the orders I give you, is that clear?" She said as she pushed her finger to your chest. "Woah, copy that captain." You said jokingly with your arms on air. She pushed you a bit as she walked away. "Don't mind her. She's a bit grumpy about a specific thing going on." Latt said. You looked at him confused. "What thing?" Shurlet and Latt looked at each other and then at you. "And I tought the Jedi were smart." Shurlet said jokingly. You looked at Rex who was hiding is very red face. Then you looked back at Shurlet and Latt. "Zess has got a bit of a crush on Rex you know." Shurlet said. Then it clicked. You glared at Rex and then quickly looked away with your face glowing red. Shurlet and Latt laughed loudly catching everyones attention. "You two better tell more about this Forbidden love." Latt chuckled. You sat down a little away from Rex trying not to look at him. He cleared his throat. "Well uuh.. what do you want to know." He said with a little shaky voice. "How come you two are dating? I tought it was forbidden?" Shurlet asked. You looked at Rex with your face cooling down. His beautiful brown-golden eyes reminded you of how much you loved him. "Helloo??" Latt broke the staring. You and Rex both blushed again. "Uh yeah well.. sometimes you have to make expections for those who you truly love." He said. Your face got even redder. Shurlet and Latt laughed. Then a voice shouted "We're landing! Get ready to go!" You and all the other rebels on board got ready. Waiting for the door open you glared at Rex. He looked nervous. You held his hand trying to ease him a bit. The door opened.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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 "The Post Order 66" ♡ Captain Rex x Female Reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now