Prologue: Kidnapping; The Feathered Prince Demigod, Quetzalpilli

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A/N: This takes place before Season 6

UA High School, Japan's most prestigious high school for training top tier heroes who wield an uncanny ability called a quirk. All Might, Endeavor, Best Jeanist, and many more have graduated from this amazing academy for heroic champions.

Location: UA High School

It was Wednesday, and UA School was have a normal day. A 3 ft tall teenager with four grape like spheres growing out of his head like a mohawk was being punished this time for an antic he didn't commit. His name was Mineta Minoru, and since starting UA he gained a reputation as a shameless pervert. Mineta was being tied up in tape by a classmate with a quirk that allowed him to produce tape from his elbows named Sero Hanta.

Sero: Come on, Mineta. You need to stop this, it's getting old.

Mineta: I didn't do anything!

Mineta: Tried to explain himself but another classmate was not having it. She resembled a pink skinned, yellow horned alien, and she had an acid quirk. Her  name is Ashido Mina, and she was helping Sero "punish" Mineta.

Ashido: Shut up, Perv. We all know it was you.

Mineta was now annoyed beyond belief and partially broke out of his tape bindings.



Everyone was startled by the new voice and got battle ready with their quirks and looked for the possible intruder. Soon a bright white light appeared above them and strong winds blew everywhere and when the light exploded and then dissipated, everyone was gone.

Location: Unknown Theater

The bright light soon appeared and then dropped everyone in a painful pile of bodies and limbs, except for Mineta who landed a few feet away.

Kaminari: Get off me!

Jiro: Get your foot out of my face!

Sero: Get your elbow out of my armpit!

Bakugo: Hey Fatass, lay off the donuts!

Sato: It's for my quirk!

After getting untangled more bright lights appeared and dropped not only their teacher Aizawa Shota (aka Eraser Head) and his daughter figure, Eri but also their fellow UA students such as Class 1B, Shinso Hitoshi, Hatsume Mei, Togata Mirio, Hado Nejire, Amajiki Tamaki, UA Staff such as Vlad King, Present Mic, Midnight, All Might, Power Loader, Ectoplasm, Thirteen, Cementoss, Snipe, Recovery Girl, and Principal Nezu.

Kendo: Where are we?

Mineta: Who knows, all I remember was seeing a bright light and the next moment I'm here and then my classmates landed in a pile of pain.

Kaminari: Yeah! Why did you land unharmed?

Mineta shrugs as everyone takes in their surroundings. The building their in resembles a movie theater but the decorations were of a pre quirk civilization from Mesoamérica, The Aztecs. Soon more bright lights appeared and dissipated to reveal pro heroes such as Endeavor, Hawks, Ryukyu, Fat Gum, Edgeshot, Kamui Woods, Mt. Lady, Gang Orca, Gran Torino and the Wild Wild Pussycats along with Izumi Kota, Shimano Katsuma and Shimano Mahoro.

Endeavor: Where are we? Is this the work of a villain?

???: No, It's Not.

Everyone turned to the source of the voice at the front of the theater and instantly either panicked or got battle ready at the sight of a massive winged serpent with white scales and light blue underbelly, the wings had forest green to lime green feathers with blue highlights. The head of the serpent had feathers on its head similar to a headdress, the serpent had glowing yellow eyes.

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