Finders Keepers!

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"The fuck?" You stood from afar. Admiring the commotion that the Fashion Dept males had cause. The hell is up with them and fighting? You paused, poking your nose at the sight of Zack being picked up by his shorts while ALSO holding someone else. "..." No, what the hell is this? Before you could even blink, Daniel had flipped the three like nothing, making you more confuse. Seems like you and Jay are the only ones normal here, and he's rich and you're...well, you. Squinting your eyes, you soon realized who the hell these guys are. "You're kidding..."

"You bastards, you wanna fight?" The group of males huddled up and looked at your three minions; Zack, Jay, and Daniel. "Z-Zack. what do we do?" Daniel whispers to Zack, nervous at the sight of the group wanting to start a fight. "Well, we'll knock them down and put them in the luggage before the girls get here." Of course, simple minded. Daniel was worried, they're outnumbered. There's only three of them and four...?! Wait, where the hell did one of them go?! "HEY, YOU BASTAAARD--!?"

"EEK! RUN AWAY! MONSTER!!!" the man squeaked, when he turn to scream at his friends, he didn't focus to what or who was in front of him and soon bumped into you. He falls onto the sand and looks up, shaking violently at the sight of you. "M-M/n...?!" He faints, foam coming out of his mouth while you blew on your finger after pulling out the booger that was bothering you for hours. "Mary's here!" Your eyes shinned at the sound of a familiar name, then you saw Mary flipping two guys at the same time, getting a chance to see her ass at a perfect angle. 'Thank you, god...' you mentally cried tears of joy. "Crazy bitch, you're already flipping us?" "So what? You guys can't stop fighting for a single day, it seems."

"You came here alone?" The three guys asked Mary, but she didn't answer as she turn to look at you and stare at the one who ran away, passed out in front of you. You and her kept staring at each other, leaving the three tense. Of course, they know what had happen between the two of you, they were there to experience it. "Nah, he's here too. But he's running away again." Mary coldly answered as the three freaked out at the sound of Vin Jins name. "M/n?!" Daniel and Zack were shocked to see you as well. You had disappeared out of nowhere. 

"..." You sighed heavily, "WE MISSED YOU MADAM! WE WAITED FOR YOUR CALL!" you flinched, snapping to your side at the sight of the judo team next to you. The fuck, where did they come paused, they all glared at you. 'Right...they don't like me...' They quickly switched up when Mary stood next to you, "You have no idea how much we missed you, madam!" Mary chuckled, "Hi, Doyle! Good to see you! You got plastic eye surgery, didn't you?" "I starved day and night  missing you, madam!" "Hi, Dosam! Good to see you too! You lost a lot of weight, haven't you?!" You glared at the two, they seem to never change with that flirting of there's...

While that was happening. You soon realized that the man, from earlier that passed out in front of you, was gone. You gave little too fucks about him, but Mary was concern. The judo team continue to greet her with kindness as she talked to them all, remembering their names as well. "How the hell can she tell them apart..." Zack muttered out loud, confuse at the sight before him. Now why the fuck are they bowing for her?!

Finally, back home.

"..." There was a moment of silence. Your day had already started with you waking up late to school. This is what you get for not listening to Daniel. He did tried waking you up like 100 times...but you shooed him away and told him that you have something to do first before going to school. Of course, Daniel tried tagging along, but you told him that you have to do it on your own until her finally left. Now, you kinda regret not waking up early to go to school. Why, because of this motherfucker standing on your way.


He stood in front of you, looking down at you due to height difference. "..." His silence couldn't help but make you sigh heavily, ruffling your hair, "The fuck you want? Jake send you?" You glared up at him, annoyed at the sight of him. You and Jake are not in good terms right now, and now that Jerry is here means Jake sent him here or he's doing this behind his back. Either one, it don't matter cause you know them well that he knows what is going on between you and Jake. He is Jake's right hand man after all. "..." What the hell is up with him...? Why isn't he talking.

"Jake needs your help. No, we need your help." Your eyes widened at Jerry's words. He isn't one to ask for help, especially from you. Jake must've told him how strong you are, I mean he doesn't know you at all to know that info. "You're asking the wrong person for help." you grunted out load, face showing damn well that you don't want to talk to this freak. Jerry didn't say another word for about a whole 2 minutes, making it more awkward. "What do you want?!"

"I already said I want."

"Damn it!"

Look a bird! Awesome transition to the city, eh? ;)))

"M/n, over here!" Daniel shouted for you, catching your attention. Looking around your surroundings, Daniel had texted you to meet him at a bus stop, downtown--meeting him, Vascos, and Jay.  Knowing you, you would've never in a million years meet up with him...but they found tracks of Hostel. You aren't one to get involve with this crap, but they have photos of your sister and Mary. Of course, Zoe and Mira...let's not forget that. You like them enough to care for their safety, plus it's child pornography. Disgusting. "Why didn't you come to school today?" Vascos asked, smiling excitingly once you stood in front of the three; Jay, Daniel, and Zack. "I ran into someone unexpectedly...anyways...I never thought you three would work with those two." 

"Huh?" The three stood confuse, until you pointed towards Vin Jin and Logan with your head. "..." "..." It almost felt like you all weren't in the city no more due to how quiet it got. Damn, the silent was so thick you could've sworn you had clogged your nose for being so thick. 

"What are you bastards doing here?!" Vin asked you all, more annoyed that he has to deal with you, of all. Logan was already enough, well not really...he's still annoyed that the motherfucker was even going the same way as him. "That's what we wanna ask." "What business do you have in Gangdong?"

"The guy with big ears tagged along with you, is he dead or something?"

"Hey, hey, we don't have time to deal with you guys."

"I gotta find Hostel."


"Jace is enjoying his youth."

Vasco had now turned serious, "Perhaps that means we're not enemies, at least. But I can't let you get Hostel first." "What? Who says?!" They all paused, looking at each other for a long period of time before bolting ahead. "Finders Keepers!" They ran.

"..." What. The. Fuck. They really just told you to meet them at this bus stop, saying they have to tell you important news about Hostel...only for them to leave you like this? You're kidding...

Well, little did M/n know...this mission will lead him to the state of shock and learn his lesson with defeat...but that story still hasn't gotten to that point...since this is the beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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