Chapter 2 - My Little Cody

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(I'm not going to explain the title if you know you know !!)

I was with most of my friends including Heather, Gwen, DJ, Bridgette, Katie, and Sadie. 
We were comforting DJ, we all know how close he was to his mama.
DJ rarely cried so, to see him in such a state was heartbreaking.
We don't exactly know how they took Mama but, DJ told us what he saw.
He saw a net being thrown into the water.

Unfortunately, they caught Mama.

DJ didn't want to believe it but, mama was dead. I felt so bad. ButSomehowI still want to be with the humans. It may seem like a death wish but, I can't help it.MaybeJust, maybe, my wish will come true!

I felt a tap on my shoulder.
It was Heather.
She yelled for me to leave quickly.

What does she mean?

Was there a Shark? 

A Net?

I thought about it for a moment confused. 

What was I missing? 


Shit, Shit, Shit!

So, a quick fun fact about me. 

I'm the prince of the sea. 
I know 

I was never busy, My usual day contained talking to my friends, exploring abandoned ships, and visiting the surface.

But, today I had a show that I had to attend which wouldn't be a problem if I missed it but, my parents were supposed to be there!

Even though my parents couldn't give two shits about me, their reputation meant everything to them.

And me missing this would make adults mad.
 But, why do grown adults care about one teenage boy?
I don't care, I just need to try and get there before I miss the whole show.
I swam as fast as I could when I found a sunken ship I hadn't come across before.
I got most of my human items from these ships.
I quickly looked around to see if there was anything I hadn't come across yet.

I looked around when I heard the singing of...

Ella the pink dolphin! 

It might be surprising but, dolphins can talk.
Ella preferred to sing, though.
Me and Ella became friends when a Shark chased us once, it was so scary!

 We talked about random things until A shark came by!
If you didn't know, sharks eat mermaids/mermans and other things that live in the ocean.
  Me and Ella started to swim trying to get away from the shark.
I paused for a moment. Someone was drowning! 
There was something else with it.
A Shark was on my tail literally.
 Do I want to save the human and whatever it has with them?
I thought about it for a moment.
They kill my kind.
But, this could also help my kind!
 If they realize that we're not a threat, they will stop attacking us.
I swam around in circles, trying to get the shark tired,
so,  I could get the boy. 
 After minutes of swimming in circles.
I was able to grab the boy, he held something in his arms. 
 They were both wet. 
I hope they aren't dead!
The boy had tan skin and dark brown hair that was down to his shoulders. and his clothes were...


Pirates were the main humans who captured my kind.

My friends always warned me to not get close. 

 That they'd kill me without hesitation.

I couldn't think about that now.

I had to get him to shore.

I continued to swim.
Until I was at the surface.

I laid him down on the sand. 

I stared at him. 
He looked hot and I wasn't going to lie.

I put my hands in his wet hair. I touched his tan skin slowly and softly. I thought about what I would do to live on the surface where humans live.

They're so lucky.

I didn't even notice Rodney the seagull came over to me.

Sure Rodney wasn't the brightest...
He said he had lots of information about humans!

I asked. 
"Is he... dead?"

"It's hard to say." 
Rodney replied. 
He grabbed the human's foot, putting his ear to it. 
I thought a human's heart was near the chest area. 

              Rodney knows more about them than I do though so, I just have to trust him.

Please, Please, Please be alive.


"I can't make out a heartbeat."

I stared at the human feeling guilty. 

If I had just been quicker he could have still been alive.

I put my head down, tears forming in my eyes. 


There it was.

I heard it!

He was breathing!

"No look!" 
"He's breathing!"
I pointed out to Rodney.

Maybe Rodney doesn't know anything about humans...

"He's so..." 
I said.

"What I would do to be with you" 
I sang softly.

The boy opened his eyes, they were a gorgeous shade of brown.

I heard footsteps coming our way. 

I quickly kissed the boy before jumping into the Sea. 

Now he has to remember me!


Let me see that face again. 

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