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Hi y'all I spend a few days thinking about what to write cuz my braincells flew to space. Enjoy !
Paintbrush POV

A few days have passed and our fourth roommate haven't arrived yet... I wonder when they'll come. While I was thinking about it. I heard something large fell outside. I ran outside and saw Fan and a girl standing on top of a broken wall that fell off.


"Hi there! Is this room 31? Cuz if it's not, it would be embarrassing."

"What HAPPENED?! Oh, Hey paintbrush. Do you know who this is?"

"Did she jus- Ok seriously, what in the universe just happened?"

"I couldn't find the door so I climbed the wall to get here. Sorry about the wall! I will fix it!"

"What's your name?"

"Lightbulb. By the way are you paintbrush?"

"How did you know that?"

"I saw a girl called test tube walking to the library and I asked her where our dorm is."

"I didn't know she went to the library today."

"Maybe she's tired of hearing you talking about your blog everyday."

"HEY! Don't you dare talk about me like that."

"Anyways I'll go to my room. I still have a bag downstairs, Nah. I will get that later."

"How did she manage to break a wall?" I thought to myself. I have class later at 3pm. I should pack my bag before going to eat lunch. I threw my notebook and laptop into my bag, I walked back to the living room. I feel a bit bored. There's nothing much to do right now I should go outside. I haven't walked through the entire campus yet. It's so big that sometimes I even forget where the entrance is. There's nothing much to see in the campus so I went out to the city. While walking in the city... I saw Lightbulb, she's talking to Knife but she looks kind of uncomfortable talking with him. I decided to follow behind them without them knowing.

Lightbulb POV:

"You better not tell anyone my secrets or I will blackmail you. You understand?"

"Yea. Um... is someone watching us? Cuz I feel like it."

"I don't think there's anyone here anyways babe."

"How many times do I have to tell you that I am not your girlfriend anymore?!"

"Why can't we be together again? It would be great!"

"Stop pulling my arm! STOP IT!!"

At the corner of my eye I saw paintbrush running towards us and pulled me away from knife. Thank god he saved me...

"Paintbrush? What are you doing here? Are you stalking us?"

"Stay AWAY from her. She already told you that she's not yours anymore."


"Shut it! Now leave... I SAID LEAVE."

I watched Knife walk away and look at painty. I genuinely liked him when I saw him for the first time but I am too scared to admit it.

"Thanks for helping me Painty!"

"Heh. What did you just called me?"


"Got nicknames already? I barely even knew you"

"Hah! I have class later, I guess I will see you later."

"Alright then, see you later!"

I hopped my way outta this and ran to the nearest arcade. I walked inside and I found a claw machine


Yay! I got all the plushies I wanted! Oh no. I forgot my first class! Nah, no one is gonna appear in the first class anyways!

Paintbrush POV:

Today is the first class I had. I walked into the room. I can see an empty seat near the window. That's like my most favourite spot to sit so I went there and sit down. The teacher later came in and started talking.


Class is so boring right now. I don't have anything to do at all. I'm just listening to the teacher talking about the assignment we're going to do. It's been an hour and the teacher is still talking about the same thing. I wonder where lightbulb is.

Lightbulb POV:


"Lightbulb! We have assignments to do! We don't got time to party!"

"Can we do our homework afterwards?"

"Lightbulb, no. THERE'S A SPIDER! FK."

"It's just a spider! Calm down there's nothing wrong with i- AHHHH"



I didn't notice Paintbrush walking in until he yeet the spider out the window.

"What's all the screaming about?"

"Oh hi Painty, I was planning on playing a game but Fan started screaming so I screamed too."

I heard Painty muttered something then said he's pissed off about it.

Honestly, I still don't know what class I have so I am going to be staying in my room the whole day. After another hour of doing literally nothing. I went outside my room to grab a cup of coffee. An Idea came to my mind.
"I should go ask Painty to go outside with me, he'll definitely agree." I broke open Painty door and went inside

"Painty, wanna go out with me?"

"I can't right now, I have an assignment to do"

"Nope! We're definitely going out"
I dragged Painty out of the dorm and walked to the nearest store."
Thanks for reading this. I wrote an entire plan for this and I ran out of ideas againnn. I will be posting a new chapter every Saturday.
Word count : 900words

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