~✨2✨~ (2/2)

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I forgot that I said I'm gonna post every Saturday 💀
Anyways moving on
Chapter 2 isn't completed so ima continue this.
Not to mention, lightbulb doesn't know that paintbrush is non binary. She'll find out later in the story.
My grammar is so fking bad 😭, time to fix my grammar mistakes.
Lightbulb POV:

We were about to walk outside the campus when the gate is closed.
"Why is it closed this early? It's 7pm!"

"Maybe they closed it so that you idiots couldn't get- out."

I climbed on top of the gate and fell down on the other side.

"Come on, painty! Let's go out!"

I watched painty open the front gate door and shut it. I dragged him to the streets. We went to the nearest grocery store to buy some snacks.

Paintbrush POV:

Ugh why are we going outside, it's 7:30 right now. I don't know why she wants to go out. I think I need to buy something in the store. Lemme grab some snacks for later.

Time skip.........

Finally, we're leaving the store after buying a bunch of unnecessary things. Why do we even need a rubber duck.

"Let's go to the arcade! I really want the plushies! Last time I couldn't get all of them!"

Seriously. It's getting late and it passed my bedtime. (Damn bro you sleep so early)"I don't have time to go to the arcade, maybe we should go back to our dorm now?"

"Come on! We can get food afterwards! We have so much time!"

"We have class tomorrow, we need to go back."

"Nooo! I don't wanna have class! I wanna go have fun!"

I stomped the floor a few times, pretending to be angry at him.

"Fine, fine, fine, we'll go. But we have to get back there at 12am and that's it."

Yay! We can go now! I ran inside the arcade. I didn't notice the door falling on the ground when I went in until I heard a bang. I looked around and saw paintbrush on the ground with the door collapsed onto him. I couldn't help but laugh.

It's kinda funny when they're stuck. I struggled to pull him out but successfully did it. I continued searching for claw machines. While walking, I saw something that shocked me. It was a huge plushie. Since it's so big it's extremely difficult to get it out from this machine. I remembered that painty was here so I asked him to help me get it.

"Painty, can you help me get thisss plssssssssss"

"Ok, I'm coming."


I jumped up and hugged him tightly.

Paintbrush POV :

"Lightbulb can you stop, it's making me uncomfortable."

"Ok ok"

"Which one do you want?"

"The one at the corner"


Finally, this took so long. I got the plushie and hand it to lightbulb. Wait, Where did she go
I looked around the place and I don't find any sight of her. Wait, maybe knife got her again. I hope she is alright. I should go look for her. I see a dark alleyway next to the arcade. Knife Definitely took her there.

Lightbulb POV:

This happened twice already and he is doing the same thing. Oh no, how am I going to escape this time. Where is Painty, I really need his help right now.

"Hey, do you know that Paintbrush is non binary?"

Wait what, he's non binary?! I thought he's just a normal dude. I'm really confused right now.

"You will not be escaping me this time dear~"

No, no, NO. He is not taking me somewhere deep. Why is he taking me to the forest? Is that what I'm thinking he's trying to do??? I need to find a way to escape this. I tried losing his grip but to realize he duck taped my hand. He didn't tie my legs. I kicked his leg very hard and he collapsed onto the ground in pain.

"You sick bit*h you're not leaving me behind!"

I speed ran back to the arcade. I think Painty is worrying about me by now that I went missing for so long.

Paintbrush POV:

I'm starting to worry about where she went. It's been 20 minutes and still no sight of her nearby. I was about to give up searching for her. When she jumped on me in an instant.


"Knife tried to drag me to the forest to do something! We need to go, thanks for the plushie btw."

Hello again, I left you on a cliffhanger lol. Anyways I'm going to stop here. Chapter 3 coming soon :)

Lightbrush ✨ (I'm writing again:))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora