Confusion raging.

1 0 0

I am pretty sure I'm having a mental breakdown

feel like screaming and crying but can't

smash and shatter everything 


Did it matter to you?

having me in your arms? 

lips to lips, hands grabbing and teeth clashing

cheeks blooming red and laughter sounding

Did you just use me? 

Was it the alcohol guiding your limbs?

Did it matter to you? Our time together...

I felt safe in your arms. 

I loved our talks. 

I missed having you as a confidant. 

I missed our long calls talking about nothing and everything.

I feel like I'm going insane.

I smell your scent everywhere. 

When I close my eyes... I can see a future with you and no one else. 

One message or sign is all I need...

By Ambergris👽💜

A\N (aftermath of first kiss with guy who ghosted me )

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