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request for Midalantics12

Today was a day of excitement and anticipation as I prepared to reunite with my cousin, whom I had not seen for two long years. The prospect of catching up on lost time and reminiscing about old memories made my heart race with joy. Finally, I could feel the excitement building up inside me as I sat behind the wheel, ready to hit the road. My destination? The mall. As I drove, I couldn't help but imagine what this meeting might bring - would it be awkward, or would we hit it off right away? Only time will tell. I shake off the jitters and continue walking until I finally arrive at the mall. As I approach the entrance, I spot him waiting for me outside. His face lights up with a wide grin, and he rushes over to give me a warm hug. "Wow, you look so different now!" he exclaims, his voice filled with excitement. I can't help but laugh and reply, "You look different too!"

As time passed by, my cousin and I found ourselves strolling through the mall, searching for a new pair of shoes. As we were browsing through the store, I noticed a pair that would look great for alex. "Might as well buy Alex some shoes too," I joked. "He's been wanting a new pair as well," My cousin grinned at my suggestion. Suddenly, I remembered that my cousin had a boyfriend. "Oh yeah, how's it going with your boyfriend?" I asked. My cousin's face lit up as he replied, "He's the best!" He had a big smile on his face as he spoke about his partner, and I could tell that he was truly happy. "I'm glad to see that you have found someone special," I say with a warm smile. "It's always a wonderful feeling to have someone to share your life with," I add. My cousin returns my smile and says, "Thanks, it really means a lot to have your support and encouragement."

My cousin asked me how things are going between me and Alex, my boyfriend of 6 months. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of him. I took a deep breath and replied, 'I love him so much, we have such a strong connection, we understand each other and support each other through thick and thin. Our relationship is going great, we communicate openly and honestly and always make time for each other despite our busy schedules'." As I glanced over at my cousin, I noticed a big grin spread across his face. He turned to me and chuckled, "Hey, looks like we both found the loves of our lives."

As the sun began to set, I felt a sense of sadness creeping in, knowing that our time together was coming to an end. We hugged each other tightly, lost in the moment, not wanting to let go. Reluctantly, I made my way back to my car, where I had Alex's gift and my shopping bags stashed in the backseat. As I drove away, my eyes caught sight of Alex sitting outside, with his head bowed and his phone lying by his side. I furrowed my brows with concern and got out of the car with my shopping. As I approached Alex, he looked up at me with watery eyes and asked, "Whose he?" His voice was low and shaky, filled with emotion. A look of confusion washed over my face, and I replied, "Whose who?" He looked at me, his voice rising, "You know damn well who," he said, his words cutting through the air like a knife.

In a sudden motion, Alex reaches out and grabs his phone. He fumbles with it for a moment before displaying a photo of myself and my cousin tightly hugging each other. The image takes me aback, and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest as he sets his phone back down. My voice trembles with a mixture of anger and confusion as I demand to know who showed him the picture. Alex's response is immediate, and he becomes increasingly agitated with every passing second. His eyes grow teary, and his voice cracks with emotion, "it doesnt matter Y/n! who is it," The tension in the room is palpable, and I can sense that something serious is at play.

I recall the moment vividly as I utter the words, "that's my gay cousin Alex!" My voice trembles and my eyes begin to water. However, the response I receive is not what I expected. "Bullshit!" he snaps. I stand still, unsure of what to say or do next. Finally, I decide to end the argument. "Fine then, take your present Alex," I say before turning away. As I make my way inside the house, I slam the door and lock it behind me. I go up to my room and sigh deeply while tears stream down my face.

time skip

I was led in bed the next day staring up at the ceiling questioning myself, until my door burts open, it was alex, with red puffy eyes which looked like he hadnt got eny sleep and has been crying. "wat do you want," i mutter. "to explain," he says sniffing. "explain then," i say looking away, "alan, adolla and lalo sent me the picture, they didnt know it was youre cousin and they were just looking out for me, so dont get mad at them, please. i only got defensive about it because i didnt want to loose you, im sorry," he says grabbing my hands and his eyes watering. "i forgive you," i say.

yall dont even, im so sorry i ended it like this i couldnt think of enything

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