30 4 9

She camera cuts on and it shows jaein getting her makeup done and her hair. She looks really excited and annouces to the camera that today is her first day as an mc!!

Jaein: hii harmonys!! Today is my first day as an mc!! Im really excited but also very nervous. I dont know who my mc partner is yet they havent told me. I really hope its maybe someone of enhypen or maybe my twin as you all call him Beomgyu of txt.

She laughs a bit at this statement because she dosent really thing they look alike but the fans always say that so she just goes along with it.

Jaein sees her members run into the room excited with gifts for her to congratulate her on her first day as and mc. She pointed the camera at them and they told her that the staff told them who she would be mcing with. They said....

Genie: Jaein!! Omg we know who you are mcing with. Your not going to belive it!
Jaein: Wait. Who it it!!
Aurora: Jungwon!
Jaein: Wait really THE Jungwon of ENHYPEN!! Omg no way!!
Lottie: Yes girl THE Jungwon!

Lottie looks at her smirking a bit then one her makeup is done she shakes her shoulder and the other girls get the hint and they all look at Jaein knowingly and they also get very happy. Jaein looks very confused

Jaein: what??
Lottie: Nothingg

Jaein ignores their antics and looks at the camera smiling.

Jaein: alright guys you heard it. Im mcing with Jungwon!!

She fists up her hand and shakes it excidetly

Jaein: alright harmonys i have to go. They are calling me on!! Wish me luck!

She goes to chang into her outfit which consisted of a navy blue pleaded skirt, a creme colored shirt with a bear on it, gold earings, socks, and navy blue adidas. She does a twirl in the mirror and the sttlist tells her she looks bautiful. She walks into the hallway on her way to the stage and she sees Jungwon. He notices her and the stop and bow to eachother.

Jungwon: Hello!! You're Jaein right? Your my mc partner right?
Jaein: Yes! I just found out that you would be mcing with me.
Jungwon: How about we walk to the stage and talk
Jaein: umm sure!

They begin to walk to the stage having a conversation about all sorts of thinhs and him asking ber about her recent debut. He tells her that he loved it and maybe they could do a dance challenge. She agreed and thet seemed really happy as they reach the stage.

Jaein: we got this! Fighting!
Jungwon: Fighting!

They both walk onto the stage and are handed their cards and microphones and she reads through her script and she sees that she is going to be inter viewing ITZY she got really excited.

Jaein: Omg ITZY i love them. Im so excited to meet them!!

Just Then she sees ITZY enter the stage and she gets shy and quickly bows to her seinors. When she lifts uo herself she sees them and she is starstruck. They bow back and go to their spot behind her and Jungwon and they wait till its time to air. They count down then its time to air 3..2..1

Jaein: let's welcome the amazing..
Jungwon: the perfect..
Jaein: The untouchable ITZY!!!

They more over to opposite sides to show ITZY. Music starts to play and they introduce themselves.

ITZY: 1..2 ..3 Hello.. we are ITZY!!
Jungwon: ITZY please say hello to your lovely fans who have been waiting
Yuna: MIDZY thank you for waiting for us. We will show you and amazing performance.
Ryujin: We will shock you all with our stage presence, so please wait and look forward to our performance

The crowd claps and all their fans cheer

Jaein: your concept is so punchy and powerful. Chaeryoung why don't you tell us about your new album?
Chaeryoung: our album 'Born To Be' not only our confidence but also a message that we will jump over out limits
Ryujin: We all contributed to the creation our of individual solo songs so please look forward to it and give us lots of love.
Jaein: Yes, what kind of song is 'Untouchable'?
Yeji: this song says we should all be together while we face the hardships of the world.
Jungwon: I can feel the confidence of ITZY already. I'm curious about your performance.
Yeji: oh yes the point dance is the Bambara dance

Yeji explains the dance to Jaein and Jungwon and then she asks if they would like to join.

Jungwon: we would love to. Music cue!!

The music plays and they do the dance point and Jaein looks up at yuna and laughs a bit but controls he composure.

Jungwon: ahh, who did better Yeji? Me or Jaein?
Yeji: oh this is a hard question... umm well Jaein was a cutie and Jungwon was cool.
Jungwon: Oh so we weren't confident?
Yeji: Yes, yes. You were confident!

They all laugh a bit at Jungwons statement. They all get ready to finish the interview

Chaeryoung: Music cue!

Everyone else joins in with her saying that. The they all bow to each other and leave off of stage. Jaein is really happy and gives jungwon a hug. He hugs her back and asks to be friends. He gives her his number and she puts it in her phone.

All of her members run over to her after Jungwon leaves and they start teasing her

Hayun: omg what was that!!
Lottie: you guys are so so cute omg!!
Jaein: be quiet he might hear!!
Shiomi: you did so good unnie!!

Jaein hugs Shiomi squeezing her cheeks but Shiomi pushes her off giving her an annoyed look

Shiomi: never mind. I saw you with jungwon what's that about
Jaein: he just wanted my number . You know we became friends.
Lottie: yeah "friends" we saw you.
Aurora: isn't he your crush?
Genie: yeah your always on about how he's so cute. I totally ship
Hayun: yeah she's always learning his parts in the dance. I ship too

Jaein flushes a bit feeling embarrassed that they remember that. She thought no one knew about her learning his parts in the dance.

Jaein: he isn't my crush I just like him as a dancer that's all
Genie and Aurora: yeah right

When they say it at the same time they high five each other. Jaein rolls her eyes

Jaein: I have to get ready for our stage so I can't talk anymore bye

She quickly runs to their dressing room to get changed into thei love me like this outfits feeling annoyed but also a bit flushed at the idea of her getting Jungwons number

She quickly runs to their dressing room to get changed into thei love me like this outfits feeling annoyed but also a bit flushed at the idea of her getting Jungwons number

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Word count: 1158

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