Vestress in Distress

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Heels click. Fountains splash with crystal clear water. Cameras flash, stars twinkle, and glamorous idols of the beautiful Lust Fashion Department are hard at work on the year's upcoming Stopwatch Special. The Stopwatch Special, according to Hell's rulebook, is regarded as the largest, most inviting and heavily broadcasted thing across every television screen and device in Hell, just before the Blood Moon's Resolution, or New Year's for Sinners and demons. But in Lust, filming the shows for that sweet, lustful delight is only half the fun. The other half goes to dressing these stars and idols in the most desirable, ravishing attire to lure the eyes with alluring material.

Vestress strolled through the lobby of Starlight Studios, the head skyscraper in Lust' coastal city skyline, a cell phone in her hand and everything else in the purse over her left shoulder. Flashy purple hair draped in a gorgeous mane across the back of her chocolate skin and deep, flashing almond eyes while a set of fresh gills bloomed in rifts of summer gold and pink beneath her neck. A scarlet bandana poured over her chest while a slashing blue dress sparkled underneath her deep maroon coat. Deep beige heels clicked against polished marble as the face of Lust's star fashion central made her way toward the upper office of Lust's shimmering fashion pinnacle.

When it comes to fashion and knowing how to dress to impress, Vestress is nothing to scoff at. Her talents have awarded several medals, trophies, plaques and every inch of blog posts, followers and the social media throne any one demon would have fainted at the mere concept of. Put short and sweet like her Strawberry Frosted Lip Gloss, Vestress was a genius in her art, a natural in everything she did. Entering the elevator, the demoness pressed her thumb into the Thirtieth button, sending the box jerking with subtle, but lulling motion. Swiping through contacts and wading through the sea of blogs and social media influencers, all trapped neatly beneath her thumb, Vestress reached the icon she was looking for. A bright purple A with stripes of gold and studded blue pearls on the ribbons.

Vestress dialed the number attached, holding the phone to her ear as a voice responded. "Cut it short. You've heard the news?" Vestress' superior laughed soft and slow, responding with a subtle, but alluring purr. "So I have. That quivering sack of cash called Mammon told me everything in a panicked rush. Lucky us my potions work wonders." Vestress nodded, her lips curving into a small, patient smile. "I see. Well done, Azzie, I never expected you to get so dirty before." "Oh, please, Vestress," Asmodeus replied, "you've never seen the things I have until you become a famous actress with a fetish for surgery like I have." The elevator doors swept open to reveal a glamorous plaza, the Presidential Suite atop the tower.

Flowers, potted plants and sand lined a small pool in the middle of the room, with waterfalls draping tapestries of water into the pool while walkways extended through and over the natural room, platforms illuminated with glittering trophies and winning dresses and models. Vestress tucked her hands into her pockets, keeping the call on while she turned the corner and met her boss, wrapped in a silk robe with gold trim. At the pause, Asmodeus turned around, holding a frying pan. "Care to join me for some breakfast?" She responded. Vestress shrugged, striding over to the table. "I don't see why not. But I've got work to be done." The Lady of Lust winked, continuing to prepare breakfast.

"Part of me concerned itself with knowing you'd show up today. So what brings my very finest, and, at that," Asmodeus turned, her eyes flashing with sunlight and sparkling radiance, "very fine fashion designer to my doorstep this morning?" Vestress slid into a seat at the table, crossing her fingers. "Bile told me about the Sin Hunter conversation as well. And he wants Lust's help to drag the Sin Hunter down and make sure he stays here for you to finish the job." Asmodeus turned in puzzled surprise, setting a plate of sausages, eggs and a piece of toast in front of the demoness. "Drag him here? Unfinished business?What on earth could he be trying to do?" Vestress raised her eyebrows while she nibbled at a piece of toast.

"You mean there's no 'unfinished business' between you and the Sin Hunter?" Asmodeus clapped her hands together, laughing. Her foxy ears twitched while her tail, like a scarf, swung around her neck in fashionable flare. "Oh, of course not! I tied my grievances off and said farewell to that man years ago! What makes you think I'd want to swing at him after all this time?" Vestress crossed her legs now, finishing up a small pile of eggs with a sausage patty beside it. "Well...shoot, I don't know, maybe it could've been because of what happened on the news?" Asmodeus hacked on her coffee, nearly spewing the scolding liquid across her table when she recalled the news.

A pawed hand gripped the table as the Lady of Lust's expression darkened beneath curls of silk purple hair. "That night...that night, the Sin Hunter did something from me. Something that, contrary to my statement prior, I will never forgive that assassin for." Vestress nodded, sliding across the floor to set her plate and utensils on the kitchen counter beside a lamp with 'questionable' design choices. "What did he do?" She asked, hesitant for an answer. Asmodeus turned slowly, standing from her seat while she sighed, steam exhaling from her nostrils while she followed suit, setting her dishes beside the sink. "The Sin Hunter took his life seed from me. I had it, I did! And he denied me, Asmodeus, the embodiment of Lust incarnate, the action of pleasuring him! It disgusts me!"

Vestress nodded, slipping her heart-framed glasses over her eyes while she turned slowly, avoiding sparking a larger fire than was already kindled. However, Asmodeus brushed her hair away, sweeping it out with her problems. "Thank you for getting the inside scoop on this Sin Hunter drama, Vestey. Your work is appreciated by myself, and Charlie as well." Vestress curtsied, using the corner of her blue skirt to achieve such an effect. "My pleasure, Asmodeus. I'll be in the studio today if you choose to roll by. Give me a call, maybe we can have brunch sometime." Asmodeus smiled with the warmth of a winter cabin in a snowstorm. "The pleasures all mine, Vestress. Have a wonderful recording session with the crew."

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