Disclosed Discussion

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Footsteps piled into the room with their various owners, none of whom one or any could deem to be very likable people, let alone approachable. These were the worst, the most cunning, ruthless runners and assassins in Hell's several continents and peninsulas the whole expanse over. "Please take a seat, all of you," a voice echoed through the corridor. Chairs were scraped, feet shuffled, and seat were taken by all who were selected to attend the disclosed meeting. A single spotlight snapped on above the head of the table while the windows on either side of the narrow room snapped shut, blacking in as the speaker addressed themselves.

Standing at the front of the table was a tall, ordered demon with a face that not even a mother would love. A face slashed by marks and torn by scorning memories and excruciating memories of times when their murderous sprees tore at the Living World. In life, the man addressing his associates was none other than the Crimson Stripe, a cold, ruthless killer who, beneath the veils of the governments across the globe, had ruled the earth for a long and terrifying decade. Killing millions, stealing money, throwing parties and, of course, even dining on some of his victims, the Stripe was the pure definition of malice and depravation. However, here he now stood, the same as he was keen to remain forever.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is thanks to our wonderful employers across Hell's borders that we have received intel regarding a very special visit from one of Hell's finest in the short and truly legendary Rogue's Gallery. And it is incredibly likely that he will not hesitate to swiftly enact his cursed and twisted form of vengeance upon us all unless we find a way to leverage his rage in our favor." The stage was taken by a demon of monstrous proportions, limbs extending in spidery tendrils with a terrifyingly humanoid mask over tufts of crazed, fraying fur. "Yes yes, we know that , Stripe. But why did you call us here, just to gloat about your victory against that fool?"

The Crimson Stripe swept across the room in a bloody shadow, the screams of his victims lingering in the air as he approached the demon, gently tapping his fingers along the seams of their suit. "Of course not, my dear sir. There is nothing left to insult, though I believe he will not be impressed to see his handiwork undone so soon. No," The Crimson Stripe continued, moving about the table and tapping his fingers along each of the demon's shoulders, "the Sin Hunter is not our primary focus. We have our objectives, our precious ways of life. And whilst I would hardly ever recommend extending gratitude to anyone beyond your walls, it is in all of our best interests if we can levy the press into this mess of confusing media."

Another demon, dressed in fanciful white robes and silver streaks, whose skin resembled a burnt black crab with razor sharp pincers and a set of deadly claws, motioned a claw into the air. "A truly fascinating proposal, Stripe. But how will we control the media if there are too many confounding branches to angle together under one wrist?" The Crimson Stripe waved a long cigarette around the room, as if blessing his guests with an unholy protection seal. "Worry not, my dear Seraphis. Your scipioric kin will be safe as long as they rest neatly beneath my protection. Leave the press to me and my associates. I have my ways of convincing, mm hmm," the Stripe chuckled, raising a fist to his mouth as he stifled a laugh, "'Lesser Overlords,' to our advantage. 

"Your task, instead, should be toward guarding your homes, all of you. Time is short, and when the Sin Hunter makes his ever-dreadful return, you'd better believe that he'll be coming for anyone he suspects to be in cohorts with this snake-oil scheme. I smell something fishy wafting through Greed's gates, so, as the delegate from this conversation, I offer myself as the scout of this hunting party." To the Crimson Stripe's contented, flashing smile, not one demon or even Sinner at the table had anything to counter his proposal. One chair even slid back, and hands graced the table as a Sinner clad in burnt armor and a face that looked like it had been slashed and dragged across the bark of a tree offered her words.

"You seem awfully generous in all of this. Don't get us wrong, Stripe, we appreciate your generosity and your enthusiasm, but what's the snag? You never dig your nose into these affairs if it doesn't offer an opportunity." The Crimson Stripe chuckled, waving his hands, dripping blood, around the room. "Oh please, Corveas! You assume too little of your associate." Corveas took her seat at the table, crossing flaming arms while her tied back bun of magma scoffed ashes. "Here is my offer," the Crimson Stripe sighed, leaning forward on the table as the frills of his jet black suit coat lapped at the edges.

"You are, without a doubt, the finest, wittiest, most clever, well-rounded and the most tactically astounding demons and Sinners to ever be created for the sole purpose of this meeting. Think on this," the Stripe commanded, striking the table with his fist and fracturing the glass casing, "each and every one of us has our faults. However!" with a swift strike at the air from a sharpened finger, "we balance one another out in surprising ways. No one of us can run this operation without the other in a beautifully rounded tensegrity that rivals even those overpriced pricks who rule this pathetic world! If you lend me your ears and your eyes from the street level, then we can nab this Sin Hunter before he even knows what's happening!

"But oh, the game does NOT stop there!" The Stripe continued, his coat beading with sweat and steam while the demons and Sinners followed him across the room in anxious, intrigued excitement. "No, of course not! Think carefully, ladies and gentlemen! We are tricksters, killers, drug runners, and we EXCEL at our jobs! Who's to say we couldn't seize this opportunity and flip it in our favor? What if we could turn the Sin Hunter to our end of the table, and deal him and his worthless associates out in a royal flush, nabbing the spotlight for each and every one of us forever?!" 

As the Crimson Stripe remained motionless on the table, half his sleeve pulled down his shoulder and steam hissing from his shoulders with the pooling blood beneath his hands, the table exploded with applause from Sinners and demons alike, everyone whistling and applauding the grand spectacle of a plan conceived by the demon overlord. The Stripe stretched back to his true height, regaining stamina as he puffed out his chest, flapping the corners of his suit in contented fashion. 'And like the Sin Hunter and his pathetic Living World friends, I've secured a seat at the head of the table. Collecting scraps isn't the intent, but it's the ladder up to the rest of the meal that'll pay me well in the end of all this.'

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