1 - A New Friend

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I, Harris, Ayesha and Peter are sitting together in the cafeteria, eating our lunches whilst chatting about our weekend. It was one of the rare weekends when we didn't spend time together. 4QUAD, which Harris had named us when we formed our squad a year ago, is inseparable. What hold us together is our love to be outspoken and troubling others. Harris is the leader, Ayesha is the beautiful rich one, Peter's the smart one and I'm what you'd call the tamer one.

The rest of 4QUAD constantly play the most heinous pranks and they belittle everyone around them. I play the most basic pranks in all of human history and I can't seem to be mean to anyone, except those weird kids who sit in the back of the classroom.

Harris nudges my arm, 'Hey, Felicia,' I make a face out of irritation at the mention of the name. He can't seem to call me by my nickname. Ayesha notices this and snickers, 'Harris. You forgot again.'

Harris chuckled and apologises, 'Sorry, Felix darling. I just really like your real name, that's all.'

'It's been a year, Harris. Why can't you get used to my nickname?' I sigh.

'Oh I'm really sorry, Fel,' Fel, the special nickname he uses for me every time we get intimate, but especially when he's apologising, 'I didn't mean to hurt you. I'll make it up to you, okay? The beach?'

'Don't bother,' I sulk and look away from him. Harris chuckles. I like it when he chuckles, his voice becomes so soft. Harris clasps his hand on my face and softly forces me to turn towards him, 'I don't care. We're going to the beach right after we ditch.'

He kisses me on my cheek and I feel butterflies in my stomach. Ayesha mimics a vomiting noise, 'Yuck, get a room. You both disgust me.'

'You're just jealous that you don't have a boyfriend,' Harris shrugs.

'Ugh, rude.'

We walk out to the school gardens right after we finish our lunch and we jump over the school fence and change in different clothes in a nearby abandoned shed. As I unbutton my shirt, I ask Harris which out of the two outfits I brought should I wear.

'You brought two?' Harris looks into my bag and I fold my school uniform neatly. He looks over to me and blushes, 'We should not have come in here together.'

'You agreed though,' I giggle and he carries me onto a table and he caresses my body whilst looking up to me. I pull him into a passionate kiss which he did not refuse. I wasn't expecting for us to make out in the shed at all, but I always want to caress and act loving around him so I just can't help it.

As we pull apart he whispers, 'This is wrong.'

I look into his dark brown eyes for a good 5 seconds before I answer, 'Everything you do is wrong,' I grin and we start to kiss again.

Suddenly we hear loud banging, causing us both to jump. It must've been Ayesha as it was her voice he heard complaining at the other side of the door, 'HEY, BE QUICK LAH! YOU BOTH ARE SO SLOW WEH. PETER'S TIRED WAITING, YOU KNOW.'

I and Harris giggled and he finally answers my question, 'The blue sundress, it'll be easier to change into your swimsuit.'


The beach. Beige shire, blue sea. Seashells in the sand, trash in the water. I sigh, a beach home to a disgusting smell that never seems to disappear. There's only one spot in the entire beach that doesn't smell and there's always people there.

'Let's go to the smell-less spot. It's a weekday, remember? Most are at work or at school,' Peter says.

I walk hand-in-hand with Harris and he gives me a kiss on the cheek before complimenting me, 'Your dress kind of compliments your hair. I like how you dyed your bangs area blonde. And the edges at pink and blue, which I think is cute. When'd you get it dyed, again?'

'Three months ago.'

'And since then you wear a wig to school,' he laughs.

We talk for a little and finally arrived at the stench-free area. There, we find someone who looked our age. It was an Indian girl of chestnut coloured skin and nig beautiful brown eyes. Her long hair was tied into a braid and she was wearing casual clothes, which seemed out of place on the beach.

'She must've ditched school too. Let's go meet her,' Ayesha suggested.

Harris pursed his lips, 'I don't think we should. What if she's some sort of cop undercover and gets mad at us for ditching.'

'Seriously, Harris?' Ayesha scoffs and goes over to the girl. 'Hello! I'm Ayesha.'

'Er, hi,' the girl smiles. She seems nice. 'I'm Nithya.'

'I love your name, it's so cute! The pale one over there is Peter, that handsome muscular guy is Harris -' I feel annoyed for some reason '- the one with the dyed hair is Felicia. Call her Felix.'

We spend time with her and find out that she skipped her first day at her new school. And this new school turns out to be our school. We also found out that she was expelled from her former school for wearing revealing clothes along with a couple troublesome things she had done. Turns out that Nithya was famous for being a troublemaker and a bully.

'Gosh, you'll be a perfect 4QUAD member. Like, Felix is so bad at being mean to a lot of the students and her pranks are mediocre, honestly.'

''Scuse me? I'm right here,' I huff and feel offended even though I know what she said was true.

'I know,' Ayesha smiles wide at me and I feel an unsettling feeling prickle up my spine, and it was soothed down by Harris's caressing hand.

After that, the group basically ignores me and focused on Nithya and Nithya only. Which I don't mind. We are trying to get to know Nithya, after all. Harris, Ayesha and Peter all shared knowing looks with each other and they never answered my question as to what was happening.

I go back home frowning and fall onto my bed. I'm exhausted and I feel that something's wrong. Something's gonna happen; I just know it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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