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Leiomi pt 1

As I navigated through the familiar streets of our neighborhood, anticipation bubbled within me. Today wasn't just any ordinary day; it was Friday, I got to pick up Michael Jr from school and spend the weekend with him. The thought of his beaming smile and enthusiastic recounting of his day filled me with a warmth that spread from my chest to the tips of my fingers as I gripped the steering wheel.

The school came into view, its brick façade standing proudly against the backdrop of the bustling city. Nannies and chauffeurs milled about, eagerly awaiting the release of the little scholars. Finding a spot to park, I shut off the engine and took a moment to collect myself, a grin spreading across my face at the thought of seeing my son.

With a quick check in the rearview mirror to ensure I looked presentable, I stepped out of the car and made my way towards the school gates. As the bell rang and kids spilled out of the building, Michael Jr emerged, his face lit up with excitement.

"Hey, champ! How was school today?" I greeted him, a warm smile spreading across my face.

"It was awesome Dad!" Jr exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious as he hopped into my arms.

With Jr buckled in, we set off on our father-son adventure, our destination clear: the local ice cream parlor. As we walked in, the sweet aroma of freshly churned ice cream filled the air, and Jr's eyes widened with delight at the array of flavors before him.

"Dad, can I get the chocolate with sprinkles?" he asked eagerly, already pointing at his desired treat.

"Of course, buddy," I replied, kissing the top of his head affectionately as we made our way to the counter.

Sitting on the worn wooden bench outside the ice cream parlor, Jr and I savored the creamy sweetness of our treats. The late afternoon sun cast a warm golden glow over the street, bathing everything in a soft, nostalgic light.

"Alright, buddy," I said, flashing him a playful grin. "Time for our favorite game. Guess the car!"

With eager anticipation, we turned our attention to the passing traffic, each vehicle presenting a new challenge. Mj's eyes sparkled with excitement as he eagerly called out his guesses, his small hand pointing animatedly at each car that rolled by.

I joined in, offering my own guesses and occasionally giving him a playful nudge when I thought I had spotted a particularly tricky one. Laughter filled the air as we whiled away the time, lost in the simple joy of our game and the bond that connected us.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the neighborhood, we made our way back home. The familiar path to our house was filled with the sounds of children playing and the occasional bark of a distant dog, a comforting backdrop to our quiet conversation about the day's adventures at school.

Upon reaching our doorstep, the familiar sight of home greeted us warmly. I held the door open for him, and he bounded inside with the energy only a child could possess.

"Mother! We're back!" I called out as we entered the cozy living room, where my mother sat knitting by the window. She looked up with a warm smile, welcoming us home.

After exchanging pleasantries, I set about preparing dinner while he regaled his grandmother with tales of his day. The scent of home-cooked food filled the air, mingling with the laughter and chatter that filled our home with warmth and love.

Once dinner was served and enjoyed, it was time for his bedtime routine. After a bath, followed by braiding his hair, I tucked him into bed, reading him a bedtime story and planting a gentle kiss on his forehead before he drifted off to sleep.

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