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verse: Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness..."
~Genesis 1:26

Sometimes we feel like we are some huge mistake and we think that we have no purpose whatsoever on this earth. Well my dear wattpad friends these ten words spoken by God tells us that it is not true.
We are all made in God's image. God is wisdom,he is love,power,creativity,he is righteous and he is holy. So never think of yourself less than anyone else because all these these characteristics are possible in you because all of it was made by our God and is our God. God made each and everyone of us in a special way and gave us all unique talents just like him. Now tell me isn't that cool?

"If your lucky enough to be different, don't ever change."
~Taylor swift
"God designed each one of us for His purpose - and God doesn't make junk."
~ Judy Baer

* Human beings are created both in the image of God and to be the image of God in the life of the world

A/N: hey guys...I know its been awhile since I last updated and for that I'm very sorry... I hope you all are doing great:-)
Love y'all

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