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Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up.
- James 4:10

So you've got problems...well my lovely peepz, so does everyone else on this planet. Does that surprise you? Did you think you were the only one? Maybe that's because some people pretend that everything in life is great. You can pretend and fool people for a long time but you can't fool God for a minute. He knows what's going on in your heart. He knows if you're happy, sad, mad,depressed or hopeless. Don't bother pretending. Just tell God the truth even if you've caused the messes yourself. That's what humbling yourself means - admitting your mistakes. He will lift you out of your messes and set your feet on the right path. All you have to do is be honest, stop pretending and admit your mistakes because God cares for you.


* Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.


Dear God, I'm glad you know my mistakes. I'm glad I don't have to try to hide things from you. Please help me fix the things I've messed up and give me a fresh start. Amen.

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