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The flight over to California went by fairly quickly, minus my 4 hour layover in Atlanta. Now I'm struggling to exit the airport in California since it's massive and crowded with people.

"Ted, where the fuck do I go!" I whisper-yell at him on the phone.

"Kendall, follow the signs that literally say 'baggage claim'. I'll be waiting for you down at your claim area!" He speaks loudly so I can hear him over the noise of people hurrying to their gates.

Both of us are eager to see each other since it'll be our first time meeting, but at the same time I'm scared shitless over what he has in store.

"Okay, I think I found it!" I tell him over the phone.

"Great, I'll see you soon!" He responds, hanging up the phone.

I made my way towards the sign and step on the escalator going down towards the baggage area.

As soon as I get far enough down to look throughout the room with no wall in the way, I start scanning the place for a tall, brown haired man.

Once I walk off the escalator, I make my way towards our assigned area and look for Ted. As soon as I see the hoodie I had made for Ted back in 2020, I book it for them. Their back was turned to me but, who else in LA would be 6'4 and wearing a custom sweatshirt designed by me? Nobody.

I reach Ted and give him the biggest hug from behind, "TEEEEEDDDDD HIIII!" I say, and he turns around to face me.

When I looked at the mans face, instantly my heart falls to my ass and my face goes red. I let go of him and cross my arms in front of my chest.

"Well that's an interesting way to greet someone you don't know," he says, smirking at how awkward I got.

"Schlatt, I am so sorry- wait where's Ted?" I question, still not seeing Ted anywhere and looking around Schlatt for Ted.

"He went to the bathroom. Got tired of waiting for you," Schlatt laughs, not getting over the awkward interaction.

"I am really sorry though, I thought you were Ted because of the hoodie you were wearing and your height," I apologize, feeling stupid for doing that and mentally slapping myself.

He shrugs his shoulders and looks at his phone while we wait for Ted and my bags to arrive.

I feel arms wrap around me and pull me in tightly.

"Luna!" Ted says happily, catching me off guard.

I quickly turn around and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a tight hug. As soon as I pull away I slap his chest, "You didn't tell me that Schlatt would be here wearing a hoodie I made for you. You also didn't say you went to the bathroom! It got awkward REALLY fast!"

"Sorry! You were taking ages and I thought I could make it quickly before you got here!" he defends himself.

I roll my eyes and laugh slightly, "so, what IS Schlatt doing here? I thought you lived in Texas?" 

Schlatt looks up from his phone at me, "Ted and I are filming some podcast stuff so I had to come to LA."

I nod my head and look at the passing by suitcases trying to spot mine so we can leave.

"Speaking of... would you like to film an episode with us? I think the community would enjoy it, especially after Love or Host." Ted asks, watching the suitcases pass by as well.

"Umm, is that a good idea? I don't want people starting rumors or anything," I respond, looking up to Schlatt only to see him looking at me.

He shrugs his shoulders and looks back down to his phone. 

"Rumors are going to be spread regardless of where you are. I'm sure people are already talking about you both because of Love or Host. Hell, I'm sure they are even talking about us. Ultimately it's your decision, just let me know what you eventually decide," Ted says before grabbing my suitcase from the belt. "Let's go."

I follow them out of the baggage claim area and head towards the car. Both of the guys take off their hoodies due to the intense weather, considering it's probably 12 degrees warmer since I landed to now. 

"Here we are," Schlatt says, unlocking the car and opening the trunk for me to place my belongings.

Ted tosses my suitcase and backpack into the trunk and shuts it before climbing into the passenger seat. 

"Why is Schlatt driving? Ted you're literally the person that lives in LA and you're making Schlatt drive?" I question.

"Woah, okay first of all, Schlatt WANTED to drive. I didn't make him. Schlatt prefers to drive so I will happily take the passenger princess spot," Ted laughs, defending himself as to why he wasn't driving.

"Yeah, I held a gun to his head and forced him into the passenger seat."

My eyes widen at Schlatt's statement and I look at him, "What?!"

He turns his head slightly to look at me and laughs, "I'm kidding, Luna."

As soon as Schlatt pulled out of the parking lot, Ted pulls out his phone and moves it close to the dashboard of the vehicle.

"Everyone smile for the picture!" 

Schlatt flips off the camera whilst still paying attention to the road. Ted and I, as normal people do, smile for the photo. 

"Send that to me, I'm posting it on Twitter." 

As soon as Ted sends me the photo, I open up the Twitter app to post it. 

surprise! i'm in la!

as you can see, schlatt is thrilled.

I laugh as I upload it then lock my phone to continue having conversation with Ted and Schlatt. 

"Can we go to In-n-Out, pleaseeeee," I ask, looking at Schlatt and Ted.

"Of course you'd want to go to In-N-Out," Schlatt scoffs jokingly, turning left at a light and driving us towards an In-N-Out. 

"For someone who hates LA a lot, you sure know your way around here," I laugh at him, leaning my head against the window and looking at the scenery outside. 

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