Chapter 2: The Void

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When separated from his body the man believed he was the only one in the void like white room, but that wasn't the case. Standing by the bed was the man's friend, Luca. Luca was shorter than the man, but did similarly have black hair and tattoos. However he wasn't wearing the same uniform, he was in regular clothes. Luca stared down at the bed and his friend's motionless body. He took note of the man's pale face, quiet breath, and some sort of device attached to the side of his head. Luca didn't know what is was or what it was for, but he didn't like it. The whole time his friend was out of his body, yelling and hitting, Luca wasn't aware. He couldn't see him, and neither could his friend. He stayed silent, not wanting to disturb his friend, but internally Luca was freaking out. He had the same questions that his friend had.

Suddenly, the man's eyes open. His ears were slightly ringing and his vision was blurred, and the brightness of the white void didn't help. "Silas?" Luca asked carefully. Silas' eyes turned in Luca's direction. Luca sighs, unsure of what to do or say. He wasn't sure what was happening or why Silas was the way that he was. "Hey, man... You, uh- you okay?" Silas blinked slowly, as if he wasn't fully awake yet. He groaned a little bit before speaking in a groggy voice. "Dunno..."

Luca goes to speak up again but gets cut off suddenly. The once white void turns black, as if somebody turned the lights off. It was dark and impossible for him to see anything. "Silas?" He asked, wanting to make sure his friend was still there. Luca didn't get an answer as a mask was lowered onto Silas's face. Suddenly Luca spots a little bit of light, that seemed to be getting closer to them. He couldn't tell if it was a good thing or not, but there wasn't anything he could do. He stepped closer with his hands out, trying to feel for the bed. His hand waves around aimlessly before finally hitting something. He grabs ahold of his friends arm and holds his hand tightly. "Hey it's gonna be alright." Luca says as he watches the light get closer. He didn't really believe what he was telling Silas, but he was trying to help the both of them.

The light finally gets closer and there's people in white hazmat suits carrying it. The people rush over to the bed and forcefully push Luca out of the way. The people surround the bed and stand their ground firmly, ensuring that they were blocking Luca out. Luca tried to fight his way in, to see what they were doing to his friend but it didn't work. "Silas! Hey step away from him! What are you doing?" Luca's hands start to shake and his breathing gets more frantic as he tries to fight his way through the men. He grabs onto their shoulders to push them, he tries jumping to see if he could see over them, but nothing he did was working. Luca let out a sigh as he took a step back to catch his breath. As he did so he looked at te hazmat suits the men were wearing. They were white, but they had the same black and white spiral as Silas' "hospital" uniform.

After what felt like forever the men step away and leave. As they start walking away the mask lifts from Silas' face, but the lights were still off. Luca steps closer to the bed carefully and when he's close enough the lights turn back on and everything was white again. He let out a sigh of relief and then looked down at his friend. Luca looked at Silas' face first to make sure he was okay before checking the rest of him. As his eyes moved down his jaw dropped a little at the sight he was greeted with. Silas' arm was gone.

Scoring The End Of The WorldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon