Chapter 3: The beginning of the end

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Silas' right arm was gone. Luca's heart started pounding in his chest, feeling like it was going to explode. Luca kept looking down trying to grasp what he was seeing. His friends arm was gone, and is now replaced with what looked like a robotic arm. It was a dark silver with yellow little cracks in it so it could bend and move like a normal arm. Silas was still asleep which left Luca sometime to come to terms with what just happened. He had no idea why is friends arm was gone or how he was going to explain it to him. Luca felt his breath shaking as he exhaled. His mind was racing a mile a minute and he felt the need to sit down. He ran a hand through his hair and took a step back, pacing in a circle. He didn't know what this meant for him or for his friend but he was scared. He never figured out where they were, who the people in hazmat suits were, or why his friend is laying in a hospital bed.

After taking a couple deep breaths Luca steps close to the bed again, putting his hands on the side railing. Before Luca could do or say anything the scenery suddenly changed. No longer were he and Silas in a white void, no. They were now outside in a post apocalyptic world. "What the fuck." Luca whispered as he turns and does a full 360, taking in the surroundings. The sky wasn't blue anymore it was a light brown, any and all buildings were crumbling, burnt to skeletons, or just piles of rubble on the ground. The air smelt of smoke and chemicals, causing Luca to cough a couple of times. He heard a faint beeping and realized that Silas and the bed had been teleported with him. At first that was relieving to Luca but the more he thought about it the more stressed he became. That was only made worse by the sudden sound of gunshots from the distance, which freaked Luca out. He looked in the direction of the sound but he couldn't see anything. He tried to be as quiet as possible as he figured out what to do, he could just run and abandon Silas, but deep down he knew he would regret doing that. Luca held his head in his hands as he tried to figure out what to do.

Gunshots rung through his ear again, which sent Luca into a flight or fight response. He glanced down at the bed and realized that luckily for Silas who was still unconscious, it had wheels. Luca stepped behind the bed and started pushing it as fast as he could, but he had no real direction. He had no clue where to go. He just kept running in hopes of finding somewhere safe for the time being. Eventually Luca hid behind a decaying building to catch his breath. He slid down and sat on the ground, running a hand through his hair. "Dammit Silas. Why are you so fucking heavy?" Luca asked between panting breaths, not expecting a reply. Silas was still out cold on the bed.

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