New AU!

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A/N: this is an AU that I came up with so in this AU I'm Thranduils adopted human daughter I used to live in Berk with Stoick but for a short time (Right before he died) so in this I never knew him but my brother hiccup does so he tells me about Stoick and he's happy that I found  a home and he will always visit. Hope you like it! And aodan is my boyfriend as always. 

me:*wakes up and sees my dad* morning Ada (dad) 

Thranduil: good morning selde (my daughter), how did you sleep? 

Me: good 

Thranduil: hurry up now we have a busy day ahead of us 

Me: ok 

Thranduil: get dressed and meet me in the throne room I have something for you 

Me: ok I'll see you there Ada (dad) 

Thranduil:*smiles and leaves the room* 

*i head to the throne room* 

Me: what is it Ada? 

Thranduil:*hands me a bow and arrow* it's time you learned how to fight like a true elf 

Me: really? 

Thranduil:*nods* I know you will make a great elvish warrior my darling 

Me:*smiles* then let's get started! 

Thranduil:*chuckles* if you want to *grabs my hand and takes me to the training arena*  now remember darling relax your muscles and pull back the string then release the arrow and it let fly. 

Me:*does what he tells me and it hits the target* 

Thranduil: amazing job my daughter 

Me:*smiles* I did it! 

Thranduil: you sure did darling I can see you being better than your brother 

Me: wow! 

Legolas: I heard that 

Thranduil: don't worry ion nin you are still a great warrior (my son), *looks at me* you hungry?

Me: starving 

Thranduil: lunch will be ready soon now go wash up 

Me: okay! *heads to my room* 

Legolas: she seems happy 

Thranduil: she is your sister will be a great warrior I can feel it 

Legolas: me too Ada 

Aodan: hello sir! 

Thranduil: ah the boyfriend what brings you here? 

Aodan: I'm here to see your daughter Sir! 

Legolas: she's in her room getting ready for supper 

Aodan: I will go there 

Thranduil: knock first boy 

Aodan: I will 

Legolas: Ada they are teenagers what could they do? 

Thranduil: you're right ion nin he is a great boy 

Legolas: I'm the reason they are a couple 

Thranduil: must you remind me 

Legolas:*smiles and walks off* 

*supper begins* 

Me:*laughs at aodan* 


Thranduil:*takes a sip of his wine* so aodan enjoying yourself? 

Aodan: I am thank you for having me 

Thranduil: if it makes my daughter happy then it's worth it 

Me:*smiles at my dad* 

Aodan: me and my family live here 

Thranduil: really? How do you like it here? 

Aodan: it's pretty cool to be honest 

Thranduil: it is uh cool indeed. 

*aodan leaves after supper* 

Thranduil: alright you off to bed 

Me: goodnight Ada 

Thranduil: good night darling 

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