new face.

118 6 2

Monday January 19th, 11:47
Semester 1, QT 2.

Taki stares at the wall in complete boredom as the teacher talks his ears off.

Students in class aren't paying much attention either, occasionally throwing paper balls at the teachers desk.

Taki looks over at the clock one last time, time hasn't budged. Taki lets out a defeated sigh and places his head on his desk.

maybe if I close my eyes i'll be out of here sooner.

time is going by awfully slow, isn't it?

I dont think I can hold on for another 3 minutes.

I'm getting annoyed.

Why does this teacher talk so muc—

"Mr Riki."

Taki sits up and fixes himself almost immediately. Ignoring the loud laughter coming from his friend.

"Yes si- Ma'am."

The eye roll the teacher gives Taki was quite serious, he audibly gulps as the teacher marches closer to his desk.

"Will you choose to be respectful and answer the question on my board?"

He looks at the question and grabs a calculator with trembling hands.

"Were you too busy—"

The bell rings right on time, cutting the teacher off,  after what seemed like forever. Taki sighs to himself as he packs up his things.

The teacher quickly interrupts him with her hand slamming into his desk.

"You will answer every question I put on my board the next time you ever think that falling sleep in my class is acceptable again, Mr. Riki."

The teacher removes her scarily wrinkled fingers one by one from off of Taki's desk and walks away.

Taki lets out a breathy sigh as he continues to pack his things up.

A girl, Liz. Came up to his desk. For what reason? Who knows. Her and Taki were just friends of course. She's gay and she tells him interesting things about sports teams and her girlfriend.

Taki hears the sudden light footsteps approaching him and he looks up.

"Oh— Hey liz."

"Hi Taki. I just wanted to tell you, don't let Ms. Yamamoto get to you. You'll be fine!"

"Thank you, Liz. I'll try my best."

"No problem, don't forget to text me when you're home. I have something to tell you."

She shoots Taki a short smile and walks out of the class.

I can't wait till this week is over.


It was finally the 6th month of school and the semester was nearing its end, 5 months and 1 semester to go until the boys were free.

"Oh man, this semester really took a toll on me."

Taki says as he walks out of class side by side with his friend, Maki.

"Yeah because you always have to play catch up a week before it ends."

"You don't know what you're talking about, Maki."

The boy giggles. A dimple appearing as he
smiles harder.

"Ms. Yamamoto really hates me, I don't think I can wait any longer for a new schedule change."

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