you're beautiful.

101 5 1

Monday January 19th, 12:10.

"Please see yourself out of the cafeteria and come with me to my office."

Taki has no clue what caused his jaw to drop on the floor like this, the fact that the counselor knows his name, or the extremely pretty boy that just heard it.

Taki was very gay obviously, and it was most certainly not a secret. He found that out a long time ago. Since he came out his friends tried to set him up with many people, but they just never interested him.

But this boy, there's something about him. He doesn't know what it is, But it's something that has him attracted. Maybe it's adoration, That's normal right?


Taki collects himself and sits up almost immediately. Not because he wants to get to know the pretty creature in front of him, but because he's realized that there's definitely something serious about the fact that the counselor is asking to see him.

"Don't die in there hot chip."

K jokingly says to lighten up the air, but the comment does nothing but make Taki roll his eyes.

The other 6 boys watch as Taki disappears with the new student and the counselor.

"I wonder what that was about."

"Maybe he got caught sucking someone in the bathroom again."

"What the fuck are you talking about Jo."


"Wrong friend this time Jo."

"Oh right."

"Hey anywho, where's Nicholas? I haven't heard that obnoxious laugh in ages."

"Euijoo claims that he's out sick, but everyone already knows that he just fucked him too hard."

The mentioned boy almost chokes on his milk.

"That is not true and you're a fucking lunatic Maki."

"Wait it's not? Are you and Nicholas not fucking??"

"Who's taking it?"

"We all know that Nicholas is the one taking it, be serious."

"Can we please not talk about my sex life while there's other people around digesting meals."

"Euijoo, you can let it die down for now, but do know that ALL of us are going to talk about this tonight in the group chat."

"Whatever .."

Euijoo releases a defeated sigh and continues to eat.


As the 3 walk down the halls, the counselor says some pretty unmeaningful things to Taki, but he knows that he should listen. Just in case of course.

"So, as I was saying. Ms. Yamamoto is a very wonderful person to all of the staff and students, and if she feels as if you're being disrespectful towards her and nobody else then I obviously have to confront you about that, correct?"

"Yes, I know."

"I'm glad we're understood. And also, you're very lucky. I stopped her from going to the principal about your current behavior lately."

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