Chapter 1 - new school, same me

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Chapter 1 — new school, same me

Johnnie's POV

I just moved to Nebraska, this is my fourth high school in two years. My family has been essentially nomadic since my fathers death, we move wherever is cheapest at the time. We are now living in a two bedroom bungalow, my little sister and mother are sharing a room and I get my own since my homophobic brother Josh just moved for collage.

Today is my first day of my new school, St Paul's academy of the arts, in other words the only school in walking distance. After I do my hair and makeup I walk out of my room and into the kitchen and pour a glass of water, I then open the cupboard to the left of the sink and pull out three pill bottles, one containing my antidepressants, one containing my anti anxiety pills and the final containing my vertigo medication.

My mother rounded the corner saw me taking out my pills and slapped me round the face and yelled at me "THOSE PILLS COST MONEY, YOU THINK YOU NEED THEM EVRY DAY, WE CAN'T AFFORD THAT AND YOU KNOW IT!" I was holding back tears as she yelled at me "I-I'm sorry" I say but once she leaves the room I proceed to take the pills, what can I say? I need them.

I have a small amount of money saved up for food which my mum doesn't know about, it makes me feel guilty but I don't eat much of the food she buys so that her and my sister can have more of it and I have suffered with eating disorders in the past and still do.

After I left my house I went to a nearby corner shop and bought a monster ultra and a peace tea and then left. As I continued walking down the street I ended up being in the rich people neighbourhood. I saw out of my peripheral vision a group of emo and scene kids outside of a house and then I saw a really handsome, cute, tall, beautiful guy come out of the large house but I keep walking.

That group seems really cool, but that doesn't matter, there's no point making friends or developing crushed, I'll probably be gone in three to nine months. I'm jealous of almost everyone I meet they all have friends, money to have fun and buy whatever they want, two parents that actually love them. I have none of that.

While I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't realise I was at the school gates. I took a deep breath and entered. I took a look at my timetable to see where my first class is and I headed in that direction. On my way I got a text on my six year old iPhone 3G, it was from my mother

Mum :((
I have some good news for you honey
read 8:12

I just got a full time position here with a good pay
read 8:13

So try make friends this time, don't push everyone away like you usually do
read 8:15

read 8:15

I was shocked, and happy, and surprised, and worried — I haven't had any friends since I was eleven, what if no one wants to be my friend, what if I end up alone ... forever. I took another anti anxiety pill, and I heard someone yell out "DRUGGIE!" I ignored him and kept walking. My first lesson was form/registration with Dr Thompson.

If my mother was telling the truth this should be my school for a while, so I wish I came here at the beginning of the school year and not a week after winter break. When the bell went I entered the science building and stood in the line outside the class labelled S06. About six minutes later a short, orange haired lady pushed past the crowded hallways "Sorry I'm late" she said brightly while unlocking the door.

I was the last person in the class and she told me to sit next to a girl named Shannon. As I sat next to her I realised that I recognised her from earlier, she was one of the people who were standing outside of that cute guys house, my thoughts were rudely interrupted by the chemistry teacher "Okay guys be quiet, we have a new student today, do you want to introduce yourself?" She asked looking at me causing some other people start to look at me.

I shook my head, non-verbally saying that I didn't want to. "I'm doing the register so everyone be quiet!" She yelled, as everyone was quieting down I got my notebook out of my bag
"Ethan Alexander"
"Thomas Evergreen"
"Here miss"
"Johnnie Guilbert"
"Here" i mumbled quietly
*ect ect*

Once she finished, she told us that we were free to talk, I stayed silent and tried to come up with some song lyrics but once again my thoughts were interrupted, this time by Shannon, "Johnnie, right?" She asked "umm yeah" I answered my voice sounded so crackly that even an idiot could tell I had smoked this morning.

"I love your style!" She said enthusiastically "thanks... I like yours too," I replied in a monotone voice. You should hang out with me, Luke and our friends at lunch" she said pointing at a guy sitting a desk over from us with a wide smile "I'll think about it," I said showing a small smile.

She then took a small piece of paper out of her pocket and she wrote her number on it. "Text me later if you are or aren't going too sit with us okay, I won't be mad or upset," I took the paper and put it in my pocket.

Quick Shannon POV

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, there is a new guy in my form and he is totally Kyle's type. I need to get them together, like right now, I cannot deal with Kyle moping around anymore. This is the perfect opportunity too, he falls in love with any emo guy that's shorter than him in like two seconds, and this guy is definitely emo and is around 5' 6" or 5' 7" and Kyle is 6' 3" or something.

I looked over at Luke and saw a smirk on his face, I could tell we were planning the same thing. God, I really hope that Johnnie likes guys or he might hate us for trying to set him up with another boy. I hope this works.

Time skip to lunch
Johnnie POV

The bell for lunch just went, my music lesson just ended and I asked my teacher, Mr Smith if I could use one of the practice rooms at lunch, to which he said yes.

As I sat down in the practice room I pulled out my phone and texted Shannon that I had to work on something for my music lesson so I couldn't hang out with her. She said it was fine so I closed my phone and looked at my assignment, the paper said: Create a song about you, the details don't need to be true. You must be able to sing your piece and also be able to play an instrument along with it.

I was lucky with this assignment because I was already writing a song that fits the theme. I pulled out my notebook and opened it to the page saying "song without a name" in large letters. I grabbed one of the schools guitars and tuned it, then I started playing my song

Chapter 1 finished,
Yes I'm writing kohnnie in 2024, it's a problem
Question of the Chapter: What is your favourite MDE video?

Words: 1303

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